Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I believe Welsumers have yellow legs. Some of my partridge Marans look just like your pics.

I suppose it's possible that you have a crossbreed, though.

Ok well not welsumers I was told there is no such thing as a partridge maran they look like marans just missing the leg feathering. I am so confused.
Since there are several (Three I think) genes that affect leg feathering quite possible clean legs on one or more grand parents. I know my hens have very sparse feathering and one none at all; bred to a male with good feathering about half the chicks came out with good feathering. I expect that even breeding them together I will still get a percentage of clean legs or nearly so for the next few generations.

I have same in reverse, both my roos have measly leg feathering but the produce nicely feathered chicks as long as the hens are well leg feathered.

one day i will find a roo nicer than mine (IMHO) with leg feathering but i haven't found him yet.
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Don't mean to get anyone's panties in a twist. The French standard (not American, not British) calls for "lightly feathered legs". As DMRippy pointed out, we don't have any pure French lines in the US, and breeders are trying to breed to the original French line. Lot of work involved there, because what we are working with is the remnants of the British "frankenbird" experiments. Maybe the original French birds threw clean legged chicks too, I don't know, but I suspect that the clean legged chicks are a throwback to some of the British crossing attempts. Just because the parents have good leg feathering, they may still be carrying clean leg genes.
You are incorrect. This is a direct quote from:
American standard adheres to the French standard calling for lightly feathered shanks and toes.
You are incorrect. This is a direct quote from:
 [COLOR=58281F][COLOR=000000]American standard adheres to the French standard calling for lightly feathered shanks and toes.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

NOT incorrect. I was stating what was in the French standard. I did not say that the American standard stated differently.
The French standard is working with French birds, we are not, unfortunately.

Re-reading the post in question, I can see how that could be misconstrued. I was trying to specify the French standard by saying not American not British. I did not mean that the American standard did not specify lightly feathered shanks and toes.
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