Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Some have tried and hatched some double yolkers, but I believe it does not happen very often. There was a thread here on BYC about a gal that hatched a double. I remember when it was going, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the poor gal to post.
I remember that video! MY hands were shaking, but man, she had some steady hands! Mel, I'd say save yourself the hassle and make yourself an omelet with those double yolkers!
Most of my really big eggs are NOT double yolked...they are just REALLY BIG EGGS!!! I am wondering if they would yeild a larger chicken, or what. I'm pretty sure I know which bird is laying them, and she is bigger than the rest.
Pink those are some nice eggs!

How are everybodys hens doing at laying lately. I am getting almost nothing and can't figure out why. Change of weather or due to worming them? But almost no one is laying...

I have a bunch of BCM's in the incubator and out of 8 candled I had 8 fertile. The roo is doing his job but the hens aren't!
Thanks for the kind words. I was very excited to see this egg yesterday from the BCM pullet. This was her 5th egg, yes her first egg started dark with millions of dark little specks and her first eggs have been very big, nothing like a pullet egg. Yesterday I walked in the coop just as she was laying it and plop there it was. I would have thought that it was from another pullet that had been laying longer if I hadn't seen her do it.
I hope they start picking up the pace and pump out some nice dark eggs so I can start shipping. Waiting on a little better color to start up and 4 more girls to start laying. ARGH! Hurry up already girls!
I have one hen who lays normal size eggs and two that lay JUMBOS. These hens are from the same hatch. They are the same age . . . .

I have done two hatches with the Jumbos.
They are running an extra 24 hours on hatch time.

If no one answers your question, ask me again in a week. The chicks are only 5 - 7 days old. In another week, I'll look at them and let you know if there seems to be a size difference at the 2 week mark.
You sure did a nice job breeding those eggies for color... Keep it up... You are the blue-5 leader... (red 5 leader reference)!!!

I just want to say Pink....You rock!!! I love the pictures you post!!! Just wanted to appreciate you this morning... thank heaps!!

Good morning Rusty... Sheesh finding you here makes it feel like home..thanks for showing up... Farmville... really??? farmville... I could hook you up with another friend of mine.. total farmville geek.

Good morning Math... I hope you slept welll...nice to see you.

A proper greeting to you all... from BHB hen... Dehlia she is up early... I hear her and her friends out playing in the yard... (they have to get up early before the squirrels eat all their breakfast)

Uh... hello------ is it me or is there an echo???? Did I scare you all off with my chipper demeanor... Too much coffee.. been up since 2:30
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Thanks Jan! But really it is the chickens that rock....without them, I wouldn't be here chattin' em up with all you very fine folk.

BTW: The new egg from the BCM is a pullet from Greenfire Farms.....the Blue Copper egg is from one of Bill's girls. I love my Bill!!!!!!!! So wish he had feathered shanks.....I'd ditch every other rooster that I have and only use him for breeding, but since he is clean shanked, I have to do it via his offspring. Dang me.....he's such a nice bird, even with his faults, what I wouldn't give to just be able to use him directly. (ohhh and just for clarity.....I would only ditch Gnarles as far as the laying flock.
ya... good that you clarified that.. I was warming my car up!!! LOL He is da bomb!!! Have you gotten any BC girls crossed on him???? Would love to the see the GFF girls offspring when crossed on him... if so... POST!!!

sorry I have my BC shades on!!! LOL

Oh and about the feathered shanks.. just use the feathered girls... No biggy.. so you get some culling birds... If you need a map to my house. just let me know... I know the standard is for the feathered legs but wouldn't it be simple for us in mudland to have cleanlegged??? Arrrg... (can't complain this week)... Have you noticed Pink, and Mel that our weather isn't that far from what France has... or am I the only one with Marans France 5 day forecast on their desktop???? they are a little colder than us right now... It is UNSEASONABLY warm...
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