Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Are those white feathers coming in on the back? Or just a trick of the camera..looks like white around the eyes too on my monitor
Lotsapaints, I'm not sure if they are actually white. When i pick them up it looks light but I'm hoping its just that they are very shiny cause they don't look like the white i see on other birds.
Once I ordered Blue Copper eggs and several of the cockerels were split to Birchen when I grew them out.....they were pretty so I took them to the auction even the pullets of course now I have Birchens though those birds didn't have the type either of a good Marans and clean legs if I remember right. Yours might have a wavy comb and the tail is pinched. the back should stay wide all the way back and it looks like the tail is already too long like a game birds a Marans tail should look short. It seems that the ear lobe has white. How old are these birds? If they have all these things showing up it will make it hard for you to breed anything with better type wise unless you just want a dark egg.
ok, I have learned something very important today. DO NOT WEAR SANDLES OUTSIDE WITH YOUR CHICKENS IF YOU JUST PAINTED YOUR TOENAILS RED!!! Hahaha! I had to do some quick dancing to get back in the house with my toes intact!!
Flower: My piggies have no preference for color, eat my toesies no matter what the color. Had a leghorn fly up and rip an earing straight out of my ear once too. Fresh thing.

Debbi: When should I be by for the Pig Feeders? ; ) Bailey the pig seems okay today, I've been watching her like a hawk, calls in everywhich where about what to do, and I hear I'm just to watch for swelling.

Katelyn: Haven't weighed them yet. The president of our swine club told me not to be concerned about weight, just keep them full on feed. I'm more concerned with how I'm getting them to the fair at this point as we've been notified this week that the trailer will not be available and to find our own route to the butcher. Think they'll fit in my car? i just KNOW that PINKCHICK's cute little goatie will!! Probly could fit that thing in my pocket!

No MARANS babies yet!! It's all I can do not to lift her up and peek underneath! Got a black head and a yellow head peeking out so far, a leghorn and an orp.
Posting a pic of my cuckoo maran at 5 weeks of age. check out the feathers. are they suppose to do that? they don't lay flat like my other birds, even at rest but this is my first and only maran for now.
Flower: My piggies have no preference for color, eat my toesies no matter what the color. Had a leghorn fly up and rip an earing straight out of my ear once too. Fresh thing.

Debbi: When should I be by for the Pig Feeders? ; ) Bailey the pig seems okay today, I've been watching her like a hawk, calls in everywhich where about what to do, and I hear I'm just to watch for swelling.

Katelyn: Haven't weighed them yet. The president of our swine club told me not to be concerned about weight, just keep them full on feed. I'm more concerned with how I'm getting them to the fair at this point as we've been notified this week that the trailer will not be available and to find our own route to the butcher. Think they'll fit in my car? i just KNOW that PINKCHICK's cute little goatie will!! Probly could fit that thing in my pocket!

No MARANS babies yet!! It's all I can do not to lift her up and peek underneath! Got a black head and a yellow head peeking out so far, a leghorn and an orp.
Not any time soon, I am still using them for dogs and chicken waterers! As for hauling pigs in a car, you may want to go back quite a few pages to see how I did it! I have transported a 400# boar in a Ford Econoline van, in between the front seats! It was quite funny! Pigs love to ride in cars/vans!! So do goats!
Adding a few images of my two day old and one week old booted black copper marans. I just brought them home today from a local breeder! I think they are so cute. I know it's way to early to tell the sexes but when looking at the wings of the two day old one it looks to be female. I hope I have two females and a male from these three.

Adding a few images of my two day old and one week old booted black copper marans. I just brought them home today from a local breeder! I think they are so cute. I know it's way to early to tell the sexes but when looking at the wings of the two day old one it looks to be female. I hope I have two females and a male from these three.

I see two roos and a pullet.

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