Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hey all,

My French Copper Maran rooster Henri is dealing some issues with his legs. The picture below will show it a bit. So there is areas where the feathers are coming out that look extremely painful and even inflamed. The reason I'm questionable about scaly leg mites or something else is because I've never dealt with mites, nor birds with feathers on their legs. His legs are very pink in areas and the scales in some areas are off. I had brought this topic to the emergencies forum, but didn't get any solid advice. Thought all the Maran people here would be able to identify this. Since yesterday it has become more inflamed and pink, almost red. Feel bad for the guy because he's limping around a bit. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Baochickenbaobao it's really difficult to tell what's going on but they will molt those feathers off and I always just use Vet RX and rub it in good pull out any feathers that look ingrown and keep an eye on it when I've had birds having a difficult time with their shanks Vet X has always worked for me if his shanks get swollen then I have no idea what's going on then you'd need to post more pictures.
Thank you for the info. The picture does seem unclear and hard to figure out what's going on there. I went out to the coop before your message and had put some vaseline on his legs due to some studying on the possibility of mites. It keeps looking like it's getting worse. Feel so bad for the guy. I will try the Vet X.
I actuLly like the clean lefgs it seems to me that the feathered lefgs will get nasty dirty. I guess if you are just wanting them for the egg color it wouldn't matter
Laughing Clown, praying for Barb, and for you too.

Was out of the house most of yesterday, Broody left her clutch, lost ALL Marans eggs. Two were pipped and lifeless, One was zipped and peeping, I kept slipping it back under her throughout the evening but lost it all the same.

I talked with someone at our Extension office about getting the pigs to the show, we brainstormed some ideas. She confirmed that we are not to worry about weight so much, as this is our first year - just keep feeding them full on. She said we won't be eligible for Grand Champion and our pigs will sell later in the sale, but they have different classes for under and overweight pigs, and everyone ribbons. After this week's bungee fiasco, I'll be happy if we make it to the sale!

big bummer on the chicks - maybe all the noise and movement were freaking her out - ?? -
If it happens again, you could try to opening the pipped guy and leaving his hind end in the shell (just in case) and putting him in the brooder or incubator

and fire up a brooder, just in case, too!!
Some of those hens just don't want to be mommas!

I have one bantam Cochin who wants to sit on an EMPTY nest!
If I give her an egg, she moves boxes!

That's great news on the piggies, Martha!
At our fair, if they're under- or over-weight, they can't participate!
Thus, the obsession with the weights.

Would have been nice if your 4-H leader had told you that in the first place...
Pinks eggs got here

and the hubby wants to wait to put them under the broodies! Come on, really???!?!! Wait?? noooo .... they will accept those eggs with open arms and treat them with tender care just like the post office did!

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