Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

Not open for further replies. you live in Western WA and do you sell eggs/chicks? I am driving down to Longview sometime in May to pick up Lav Ameraucana eggs, and was just wondering if you were on my route? Please PM me and let me know if you are anywhere near I-5 and what your prices might be if you sell, eggs/chicks.
None of my marans are aggressive either. I have Cuckoo and Black Copper. The Cuckoos are a little standoffish and will walk around my legs when I'm treating, but they're no touchems. But all four of my Black Coppers are snuggle bunnies. I have two roos and two hens and I can bend down and pick up any one of the four at any time. One of my hens is especially sweet and she comes to me for attention. Both of my girls wear saddles and they were so easy to just reach down and snap them on. Couldn't do that with any of my Buff Orps!

I've got twelve more Black Copper Marans eggs in the bator due at the end of the month. I cannot wait to have more of these sweeties! I'm going to sell my quad of cuckoos so that all I have in my maran pen are the BCM.
We have one roo who is mean, mean, mean. Spur, bite, wing whip--he does it all. Then we have another who would wet himself if he could when you come to get him. We have others that are prefectly normal.

We haven't had a mean hen. Some are standoff-ish. Others very friendly.

Just like every other breed, you can get the whole spectrum.
we have a silkie roo in the general population pen that attacks me or bites , he's mean ,that little sucker can kick me in my shins like a machine gun speed like a kick boxer ,if i had shorts on his little 36 oz. frame could b painful. to bad i don't eat dark meat ! im surprised he is able to jump the full sized partridge plymouth rocks and EE i have
Head up guys... I got some eggs over a year ago from a "reputable breeder"... on the marans club etc.... Well I just got an email from a gal I sent a test hatch too.... She hatched partridge... WTFrith is going on!!!

I am not mentioning names but I will tell you I had a suspicion early on because of the size of eggs etc... and the traits a couple of the hatchmates exibited... I lost a roo so I replaced it and I sent out a test hatch!!! AAAACCCKKK If any of you had a problem similar PM me.

I am sad to say it was a very affluent breeder... I am noteably dissappointed. I think the worst part is that I called this person on it when they hatched.... because of the type hatch... I was assured that there was just a "fault in the line"... It is more than a fault... It is a crossbreed...
I am so sorry to hear that, geebs. It goes to show though, that the saying, "you get what you pay for," is NOT at all true! There are alot of people out there just trying to make money off the Marans. Being a member of a club, or an officer of a club, does not necessarily make them honest.

So sorry, geebs.
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