Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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AHappyChick: As a rule my birds laid super dark if they were going to lay well at all. The Valentine line started light and darkened up some... It does happen that way sometimes, however, I find the best coloring is in the ones that pop out the latigo red on the first egg....or second. I hope yours are the ones that darken w/time. What line did you get?
..........I happen to have a single combed, feather legged, blue legged, puffy cheeked, lavender cockeral......anybody wanna guess what I am going to do with him????????
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they have birds from her that they got from her last year and is there breeding stock... bev helped them pick out there breeders... then they are driving to her house to pick up all the chicks she is selling each week... then they are selling them for her... she said that she does not have the time to sell them and talk to all the ppl and still work on all her breeding projects... i think by next year they will have all of her birds but the ones she is woking on still(witch is still alot lol)...

Thats great to hear thanks! Now I know where to get her line from since we won't be getting them straight from her now. Does anyone know where her Blue Copper and any of the others are for buying? I know GFF has the Black Copper Marans of hers, but were are the others?

Greenfire has the Wheatens, too - and should have them available next spring. I got the impression that she's hanging on the some of the project lines to continue working with them.
I hate to hear that,too. A coon got my brooding CM hen. She had hatched some chicks and had more to hatch. i went out to check Sunday afternoon and hen,chicks and eggs were gone. The darn coon tore a hole in the fencing where it had begun to rust. I do have more hens,laying eggs if you are interested. Just PM me for details.
so sorry happyhensny, what a bummer
Ive been there, had EVERYTHING suddenly wiped out in one night.
I am trying again this year after waiting 4 yrs....have 5 BCM chicks that nothing will get!!!
Good luck to you in finding replacements!
Pinkchick about the lavender feather legged puffy cheeked cockerel... hmmm...Are you going to taste him, breed him or drive him to Geebs stay of execution sanctuary???? What marans has cheeks???? Is it an olive egger???

About the eaten CM's.....
all I can say is WOW and sooooo sorry.

If I had any cm's I would send you consolation eggies.
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