March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

Good Morning all, This is Gypsy's Oldest Daughter Rita some of you have met me some have not... Anyway I come bearing some bad news.. Cassi Is in the hospital in Hanover with issues with her diabetes, she was sent to the pediatric ICU last night after 7 hours in the local emergency room, Gypsy asked me to come and let everyone know that she would be away for a while but as soon as she can she will get on here and let everyone know whats up... Hopefully we will get some good news this morning when she meets with the drs.
hi rita,
i think we have met, you have many children?? lol
gosh i hope she is ok, that is very scary. poor little girl, and her mom, the stress. thanks for keeping us updated and let gypsy know i am thinking of them both.
I will defiantly pass on the well wishes.. I just wish they were not so far away... And yes I am the one with 3 kids lol...
well we may have a ray of good news... They may be releasing cassi to come home tomorrow... Her levels are all getting back to where they need to be, so hopefully...XX fingers crossed.
Rita...we are sending you healing VIBES from Keene, NH!!

HEY....speaking of Keene....a SWAP might be in the works. Agway owners are interested!! She is going to check with the city to make sure she does not need a hopefully things progress. Went in today and gave her the run down and TSC's number for reference! If anyone is around...go on in and advocate for the swap!!

I spoke with Dana at AGWAY just now and she is all set for us to come...she asked that we plan the swap for June or 2nd week in July before the Cheshire Fair.

What weekends are you all available??

She sounded thrilled about turkey's, rabbits and crafts...

I told her I'd pitch it to you all and then get back to her on dates.

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