March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

I know I dont have to much of a vote lol, but i think June would be great... Im just psyched that we can get a swap a little on this side of the mountain Cheep!! I dont mind driving to milford but keene is a little closer.
Oh Keene is fun! Cheshire Horse!!! No sales tax.. Woo Hoo!!


I vote for sometime in June.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

Oh Keene is fun! Cheshire Horse!!! No sales tax.. Woo Hoo!!


I vote for sometime in June.

OK June it about Saturday June 13th??

And the Cheshire Horse never got back to I pitched it to Agway and she was thrilled with this one in June will be at Agway.

If Cheshire Horse ever gets back to me...I'd of course come back to you ladies and SET another one UP!! LOL

I'll start a new thread when the date is firmed up with Agway!! I might 'need' some assistance on ALERTING the public!
I was thinking craigslist, sentinel, monadnock shopper, flyers at every FARM. (-: EVERY Chicken Group/4h'ers!!

She did like the idea of inviting her Bee Keeper guy that sells bee hives in her store! I MIGHT buy one too!
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that works. It's before the kid gets out of school (stuck going on Feb vacation and now thru at least June 18th.)

No bee's for me. . although I bought some WONDERFUL bee's wax hand cream from Blue Hive Honey at the December Craft Fair we had a table at. Nice stuff.
Learned a lot of bees, but still scared of em.. actually the hive thing makes me a bit well... woogie
i will have it in the newsletter if you get me the address time date etc, i post weekly when we do it in milford on craigslist, and you should have everyone in the area post at local feed stores. hope this helps
Hi Guys,

I am home for the night, having to head back up to Dartmouth Hitchcock in the Am tomorrow.

Quick update :
Cassi is out of ICU and in a normal room.
After her Dr giving me a royal chewing out for miss managing her blood sugar , having missed 2 appoinments because of the Ice Storm and then the Snow Storm, Telling me because I missed those 2 appointments it was all my fault she had to be Med Flighted to Hanover blah blah blah, and how I should be gratefull there are Pediatric Endrocronologists in my area blah blah , some children with diabetes have to drive 4 and 5 hours for specialists, yada yada,
THEY! are now fighting the VERY SAME blood sugar issue I have been pitching a B**** about for a year, and THEY wouldnt listen, It has taken a year for them to prove me right that this kids blood sugr isnt typical for a diabetic,

They are reworking her carb to insulin ratio and getting absolutley no where getting it to stablize.

Im telliing you iif there were specialist closer and I had more choice of where to take her I would be leaving their practice.

Chew me out for not controling something they cant control either GO FIGURE. I thought they were the Dr's wirth all the training Chicken feathers!! I want to thank everyone for the well wishes , Cassi is doing much better, we were very very close to losing that little girl.

Now on to the swap I haven't had a chance yet to get to TSC to get everything motivated , but postings have been done to craigs list and the list of people are growing like a bad weed which is perfect.l
everything is set up for 2/22 so we will be having a blast . weather is going to have to behave, nothing can spoil our good time

Cheep when you nail down a date for Keene Agway and if you need help YELL!
Give Cassi a hug for me will ya. poor kiddo.
And you have been on her and them about this. No need for them to be yelling at you. Hang in there.
I just found out about Cassi and I'm so glad to hear she's getting better. One of my best friends has a son with Diabetes and she almost lost him also a couple years back. Cassi and you are in our thoughts and prayers.

I'll be stopping by the Keene Agway in the next few days or so, and I'll ask about the swap too. Of course I'm here to help out in any way I can... I'm just 10 min or so away.

The garage door can be left down and people can go in the regular door by loading dock. Also chicken visitors can go in the front door and out to the store room that way! They're chickens and have feathers, the people will be the cold ones!!!

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