March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

well there ya go, i can get the roo, then she can pick it up and bring it into maine, with a few pheasants from tony and you can meet her for the pick up, what a i am in.
Good Morning!
Sorry, I didnt have the time to read through the 21 pages of comments for this coming weekend, but will anyone be bringing RIR chicks for sale?
Half way to Sunday!!
yeah, I am going back down to TSC this afternoon and make sure everything is in order for Sunday, I have to return a few calls to some people asking about bringing in larger livestock. believe one couple wants to bring 2 horses and some goats, not sure how to handle that one unless the horses stay trailered, but I want to talk to Ken first.
If they bring them off the trailer they will have to be mindfull of the ice and retrailer them after prospective buyers see what they need to see,
Liability will be high and I am not sure TSC will go for it, I will find out.

In talking with Ben the other day he asked that venders park on the side where we had our first swap that way due to snow mounds there will be plenty of parking for everyone.

I will be there bright and early getting things set up,
One thing I have to know Is anyone bringing chicks? day olds or other non totally feathered babys? I want to insure there is space set up inside for the chicks,
the weather is supposed to be in the high 30's but I want them babys iinside.
Tom is bringing Day olds and I have him a place inside reserved.( i am hoping he found me seabrites).

I weill check back in when I get back from TSC....
No not yet. I am going to try callinghim again tonight.
he called earlier but I was out..

Ken has changed our area to inside the store completely, we will be coming in through the loading dock and straight through to an area inside the store.
He is now getting trucks in on Sundays so we would actualy be in the way for off loading the trucks by setting us up inside he figures it will be easier on his workers and on us and the animals. nice set up for winter actually,
Of course those who still want to set up outside can, but we will have to work around deliveries. which is do able.

The inside area he has dedicated to us is at leat 70 ft long and 13 - 14 ft wide , its as large as my garage. tons of room.
I just got off the phone with Tom ,
he is bringing guinias, and somehatchlings, he isnt sure yet what else he is bringing for chicks, as his hatcher went down and not all eggs hatched.
He will bring Peacocks if anyone is intrested in them
he has pairs of 06, 07, 08 and a few older breeding stock in Blues, Pieds, Black Shouldered and White.

he hasnt found my seabrites as yet but he has 4 beautiful white Pheonix hens for me !!! YEAH!!

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