March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

April 26th sound good for everyone?
by all means the more the merrier. If we can get more venders we can be more huge than last swap

Which btw made projected sales by Noon time and doubled projection by 2 pm when the storm started coming in.
A huge Thank You to all who came and made it such a huge success !!!!!

I've already run it by my friend Brenda-- she'd love to go with me, so as soon as we firm dates, she can start sewing!! She loves to do aprons and dishcloths, etc. I've got a huge collection of her aprons!!! I could maybe ask her to do chicken aprons, etc... ???? (if she wants to, that is-- I don't know what her stock is like--- but she's always got lots to sell!)
OK April 26th it is,
gotta find my calander book, lol its starting to fill up quickly .
last time I saw it it was running south to warmer weather lol.
I just love putting these together they are truely a lot of fun and a good therapy for me, I am the person who hates the general public, and finds stores to be over crowded with rude, pushy, insensative people.( I have a severe back issue and people just love to slam into me)
These swaps get me out of the house and around some of the nicest people you can ever hope to meet.
the swaps mor than make up for the store rudeness.

oh oh aprons!
I never wear them but I have a huge collection of them. I love the craftsmanship that goes into putting them to gether, its like the old fashioned by hand quilts, I never use them but proudly display them.
I have a quilt made by my Great Great Grandmother with Fabric made from old grain bags, <sigh> those were the days.
may 3 is ct chickenstock
may 9 is chester ct show?
may 16 rochester nh
may 16 or 17 hillsboro? nh
may 24 is the windsor maine show/swap i think
gypsie, I candled the eggs I got from you and I think I see veins in half of them. I told dh that he needs to show me how to start the generator. if we get the big storm and I get a snow day, I do not want to loose these guys to a power outage. this is really fun to watch. today is day 6. I looked late last night. the air cells are bigger and I think I see a dark mass in the center of eggs. that is what I am supposed to see right? from what I can see all my 6 girls are fertile too! and that means my roos work too.
I went to the Westford swap today, got there much later than I wanted to but I was able to sell all 4 of the roosters I brought within 15 minutes. I found the beekeeper that sells some real nice honey and was on my way.
I knew I wouldn't have any trouble finding buyers for those roosters but I didn't even have them all out of the boxes when people were putting dibs on them.
I sold 2 black copper marans, a blue orpington and an easter egger.
Handsome boys.
I will sell the remaining extra roos next month and be squared away.
I was surprised how late the swap went, I got there late and there was still a good amount of people there and people were still milling around the parking lot when I left.
Its always hard to let them go, but I have too many and the neighbors to the left of me are not fond of roosters crowing.
On the other hand the lady that lives to the right of me told me just yesterday how much she loves my roosters and enjoys watching them from the window.
She said if I sell them all she will be very upset with me, she actually likes being woken in the morning to the boys crowing.
She told me that she was just bragging to a friend that she gets to wake up by the roosters crowing and she feels like she is on a farm.
I guess I will keep trying to make them both happy and keep the roosters to a minimum.
yes you will see a much darker spot floating around, whats really cool is when you can aee the actual chick moving in the shell. its so way cool. the kids love to look at them at the 2 1/2 week stage thats when you see them the best. afte that they take up too much room and the light doesnt get through the shell.
way cool on half the doz, keep the others going untill way after 2 weeks, they may be a bit slower to develope.
good news gypsy, by the time i got in touch with dh , the people who wanted to buy the polish had left the swap. so she is still available.
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