March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

awesome now its just a matter of hooking up to pick her up, stupid busy days anwhooo.

what makes me cranky about missing the swap today is I wasnt able to get what I needed,
who ever thought you would need a credit card to order something through a store?
Fully prepared to pay cash for the dough hook at sears and they said No if you dont pay with a credit card we wont order it. thats such BS, since when do you need a card to buy something, Had I wanted the expense of buying with plastic I could have sat home and done it off the computer rather than drive a half hour to order something.
wow that doesnt leave a lot open for May, especially with may 10th being mothers day.
leaves the the 23rd or 31st.

lets shoot for the 23 rd. and see what happens.
Hey. Does anyone have Black Copper Maran hatching eggs??

My barn owner is looking for some, but the only ones she has found(Ebay) were going for over $100
OK-- so I"ll put the word out--- I'll be on the lookout for Marans chicks or hatching eggs at the April 26th swap!!!!

I'll be a spectator/shopper--- but could always put some "mutt" eggs in the incubator so I'll have chicks to bring!

yes you will see a much darker spot floating around, whats really cool is when you can aee the actual chick moving in the shell. its so way cool. the kids love to look at them at the 2 1/2 week stage thats when you see them the best. afte that they take up too much room and the light doesnt get through the shell.
way cool on half the doz, keep the others going untill way after 2 weeks, they may be a bit slower to develope.

the ones I can not see anything on are the darker eggs and the larger eggs. one looks like a dud but the rest I just can not tell. a couple of those babies are huge!
wow that doesnt leave a lot open for May, especially with may 10th being mothers day.
leaves the the 23rd or 31st.

lets shoot for the 23 rd. and see what happens.

23 is better for me. dh and daughter have birthdays on the 31.
anyone interested in Welsummer chicks(pullets) for the May 23rd stock in Milford?
I need to add. I am not hatching these, but would be ordering them from Ideal. for a May 18th ish delivery
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