March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)


Gotta love those fertile eggs. I actually have some brahmas that may hatch in time for the swap. And hopefully a standard cochin but the fertility wasn't as good as I would have liked.

looking for a ratter as soon as possible
Jack Russel Terrorist
Rat Terrier
anything that hunts down weasel and rat type preditors, and that fat wood chuck that raids my garden every year.
My Border Collie has been good at keeping the possums, coons, skunks etc at bay. Every time he is out in the back yard he makes a trip around the coop and run and marks EVERYTHING. I swear it is keeping the predators away. They probably think it is his kennel.

Newbie here to the board... I am interested in coming to the swap on the 21st. I just signed up for the newsletter but can someone shoot me a flyer or info on the time and place? [email protected] also whats the guidlines or rules on brining birds to swap??

It's at the Tractor Supply Company store in Milford NH. Rte 101A

191 Elm Street.

Easy to find!

Begins at around 8:30am and runs to we drop. Or people start packing up having sold all their birds and stuff.
Usually 12:30ish

No rules or such on selling. Just make sure the birds are secure in boxes/cages and find a parking space or spot inside.
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Great thanks.. Do you know the rules of swapping birds? Boxes,pens? Any thing i should know before brining birds?

Thanks again!!
If you have boxes great but if not most of us carry extra's . good rule of thumb though if you know your going to buy something bring something to transport it in.


see you at the swap

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