March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

she is amazing isnt she
I know the person who was there Saturday may not see this, but heck, I'll try.

I bought a comet and a black star from someone (sorry, I didn't get a name) but he had them in styrofoam coolers. So, question. They were marked as 6 weekers, but I don't know if they're actually that old or if they were just in a container that was reused? They're actually smaller and less feathered than my 3.5 week EE's, so I'm trying to figure out if my EE's are ridiculously fast growers or older than I thought. I'm thinking the two I bought are only about 2-3 weeks, but hoping for some confirmation.
They fit in great, I'm glad they're about the same age, I just want to know how old they really are
I love being a chicken newbie.
gypsie, the coop was not even finished. I made him bring it anyway. it needs more paint and some trim. it will be coming next weekend finished along with another coop that I saw after the swap. he was afraid to show it to me cause he knew I would want one. I do. your eggs went into the bator an hour ago. lets hope we both have great luck. I had more silkies hatch today. 7 so far out of 8. number 8 has piped.
We were up at 6 on Saturday, but i was busy getting the family ready to leave, so i never even started my computer.

It was late in the day before i had a chance to go online, but i never made to to BYC, before crashing into bed last night. It was a busy day, since after the swap we had to take care of all the chickens we brought home---4 babies, and a 6 mo old silkie pullet for my son. The brooder was ready for the babies. but i watched them for a while and kept checking the temp---ended up changing the lamp bulb to get the temp right. Then i had to make a spot for the silkie pullet to live---fixed up a large plastic box for her right next to the roos' crate. All the chickens are in my office right now! The kids had her out to play, and the silkie pullet soon hopped right back into her box---i think she likes her digs!

1Chick Magnet, we love the baby chicks we got from you! Thank you! I haven't named them yet, i want to see their little personalities emerge. Can't wait to see how the BO/silkie mix turns out! I forgot, do you know what color silkie rooster bred you buff orpington? That chick is just the cutest! I will email you pics soon.

Chickn, thank you for the Speckled Sussex chicks. They are very pretty babies. I think it's neat that one is darker than the other, so it's easy to tell them apart.

she was in with a splash and a white roo. my guess is the splash. do not see how two solid color parents could make that color pattern. I was so impressed that I held back a couple so I can see how they develop. I had 5 with the same exact pattern. have set 3 more of her eggs to see if the pattern repeats.
We were up at 6 on Saturday, but i was busy getting the family ready to leave, so i never even started my computer.

It was late in the day before i had a chance to go online, but i never made to to BYC, before crashing into bed last night. It was a busy day, since after the swap we had to take care of all the chickens we brought home---4 babies, and a 6 mo old silkie pullet for my son. The brooder was ready for the babies. but i watched them for a while and kept checking the temp---ended up changing the lamp bulb to get the temp right. Then i had to make a spot for the silkie pullet to live---fixed up a large plastic box for her right next to the roos' crate. All the chickens are in my office right now! The kids had her out to play, and the silkie pullet soon hopped right back into her box---i think she likes her digs!

1Chick Magnet, we love the baby chicks we got from you! Thank you! I haven't named them yet, i want to see their little personalities emerge. Can't wait to see how the BO/silkie mix turns out! I forgot, do you know what color silkie rooster bred you buff orpington? That chick is just the cutest! I will email you pics soon.

Chickn, thank you for the Speckled Sussex chicks. They are very pretty babies. I think it's neat that one is darker than the other, so it's easy to tell them apart.

she was in with a splash and a white roo. my guess is the splash. do not see how two solid color parents could make that color pattern. I was so impressed that I held back a couple so I can see how they develop. I had 5 with the same exact pattern. have set 3 more of her eggs to see if the pattern repeats.

you actually get your best splash pattern from 2 blue birds
We finally made it to our first chicken stock!! we had a blast! I had gotten a chick fix from Chickn (love those lil SS). Picked up my 3 California whites from chickensnus, Can't wait to see how they feather out! Picked up quail eggs from Gypsy to hatch. I almost got a pair of button quail from Urbanmamma but the women in front of me got the male I really wanted
Went into the store to graba few things and overheard Ken and another guy talking about how they told people it started at 10 so I knew I better take another walk through before heading home. Glad I did. Bought 4 bars of delicious smelling soap from cheeptrick, found 4 EE around 3 monthes old wich is exactly what I was looking for. We also got to chat w/the sheep owner, apparently the sheep is a theraputic animal. She takes it to nursing homes and schools. Should have asked more about diapers so I can get some for my goat LOL
Chickenstocks may just become my next bad habit!
I do not know the guy (forgot to grab his card) but there is no way they where 6 weeks. He must have reused the container. I'd guess 2 weeks.
1chick magnet:
Thanks so much for my silkies! Look! I am using a pic of the little grey one under my BYC name! We named the black one after my 24 year old daughter because she is loud and bossy! hee hee

We just love them! How can you tell they are hens?

Anyway, thanks again!!

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