March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

He was parked right next to me. He actually did sell one of them to a couple that was looking for a large rooster. He bought some rabbits too. He told me he takes them directly to someone who processes them.

He actually is a nice enought guy and I believe he makes it clear where the birds are going when he buys them, at least that's what he told me.
UMmm I met with him last week....I gave him 8 packing peanut roos from my fall delivery. I asked him if they where going to freezer camp and he answered honestly. I just did not have room for all those roos and it was starting to effect my egg count. He has relisted on craigslist looking for hens & roosters and below it is a post looking for goats that is identical

But chickn is right "people have to eat"

Edited to add He did tell me Saturday that he did offend a few people
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I realize its hard to see something you raised go to the stew pot.
lets face it , we get these animals with one thought in mind, dinner, then something clicks in our brain and all of a sudden they become pets. this is where raising ones own food goes out the window.
I have spoken with people who specifically say I am buying these chicks for meat and egg, and then all of a sudden, they want to find pet homes for the birds or rabbits.
I do want to ask this question, hate me for it or not, its my opinion and observation.

person X is spending money on chicks, feed, meds for meriks, then feeds and waters for 12 weeks or longer depending on layer or eater, because they do not want all the antibiotics, growth hormones, battery raised eggs and meat. THEN
Rehomes chicken and goes to the store and spend 2.00/lb on store bought meat.
Where does the sense come in here?

there are eating chickens and there are pet chickens. IF you cant play with your food before you process it, whats the sense of raising it in the first place?
Keep seperate in your minds, you can have pet chcikens and you have to be able to have chickens for processing, other wise there will be an over population leading you to the same circumstances you are trying so hard to avoid...
does this make sense?
All I know is that my girls are pets.

If it gets worse here in the good ole US I will build another coop/run solely for raising meat birds. I just wont name them

Will I process them myself? No. But I will bring them to someone that will and gladly give them some birds for their time.
I know my neighbors will definitely not stand for processing the birds here. That would prove to be a bit much for them. Seeing as how I can see into their homes and straight through my neighbors to the right house. We are very close here.
Thought you would like to know that people were showing up with chickens on Sunday! Guess they didn't read the sign right, meanwhile many were reading the sign as I went in for the next one! Nice sign...heh heh

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