MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Here are my 25 light sussex and two BC Marans resting waiting to go into the Bator I set them at 2 am this morning
Everyone is always talking about candling their eggs.....where do I get one of those? I saw someone using a flashlight on one of the threads...what kind of flashlight, and how is it held. I feel so silly....I have had chickens since I was a kid, and this is all new to me,,,candling????
I have a question? (this is my first time at doing this)

Ok, I have 1 hen that I want to hatch eggs from. (Bantam Cochin)

I have one LF cochin who just went broody.

Do I gather all the eggs first before putting them under broody or do I let her sit on the ones that are layed and add as we go?

I will have a hatch in March, once I figure this out
Going to set six serama eggs tonight! Hoping for a good hatch this time--my previous hatches didn't go so well thanks to badly timed power outages.
I've gotten two serama chicks so far, and lost eight that were just days or hours from hatching thanks to the power problems. My eggs seem to have excellent fertility (well, from one roo and two hens, what would one expect?
), so I'm just hoping we'll have better weather this time!

If this hatch goes well, I'll have babies a few days before my birthday! (March 14.)
Count me in too! I set 11 BCM eggs in the incubator yesterday! First timer....checked on the temp every 30 minutes after the eggs went in and didn't get to sleep until 4:00 am! It's gonna be a long 3 weeks!
Today is the beginning of day 7 for me and I made a candeler from a big coffee can, black duct tape and a 60 watt bulb. It seems to working well.
I have the Brinsea and I'm noticing the eggs are more developed in the center of the incubator than the eggs around the perimeter. I can see the embryo's moving around! Maybe this is why incubator hatches are so staggered. I've only done about 10 eggs of 24 so far and have found 2 I believe to be clear. I'm going to wait a few more days before removing them.
I'm wondering if it would harm the eggs/chicks in the center to move them out to the perimeter and move the slower developeing eggs towards the center?
Here are a few photo's of the eggs.



Perimeter egg developing

Perimeter egg developing

I just put my eggs in the bator!!!! I am egg-cited! lol I have 24 in, a couple are Barred Rocks, a few EE's, and the rest are barnies.
D'Angelo N Va. :

Everyone is always talking about candling their eggs.....where do I get one of those? I saw someone using a flashlight on one of the threads...what kind of flashlight, and how is it held. I feel so silly....I have had chickens since I was a kid, and this is all new to me,,,candling????

There are different ways of candling, but it all comes down to which method you prefer. Some people use a flashlight; I like a 9 LED light which I got at the hardware store for 10 dollars, and another BYC member, silkiechicken, uses an Eagle Tac flashlight which is about 80 dollars. I've read threads where people use a desk lamp under a box with a hole cut out of it. So, it's all in what you think works best for you.
If you want to see some great candling pics, check out the Learning Center's "How-To-" section and look at candling, and egg progression.​
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