MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Update one almost out and 6 have started
Hey monicas!

We are practically neighbors, I live just north of Duvall.

I saw you hatched some BLRW in your post. Can I ask if you got them local?

We had some shipped last month and hatched out 4 but lost 2. I would like to get a few more.


I see there's a few lockdowns now with monicas & aussieheelr, will be crossing my fingers for you & everyone else out there.

On Day 7 & candled last night. Happy to have 9 viable eggs, Bantam BS Faverolles. Excited & looking forward to Day 21 on March 17th.

I just got a new flashlight for candling, that shines right thru my hand in the dark. It is super for candling & cost under $10. Now I can see everything that I've been told to look for. Pics below.

; long NEBO flashlight from Main Building Supply/Ace Hardware

NEBO flashlight shinning thru my hand in the dark
I've heard some people put paper down at lock down when the egg turner comes out. To help with clean up. Do you do that?? Mine are due March 12, first time so I'm getting nervous. Could I put each egg in a coffee filter? The wire seems so harsh for a new baby to be on.
Woke to 3 wet babies
one zipped 90%
and 4 doing 'Nut-N-Honey'. Also put freind's 2 in lockdown

grey artist, I put the rubber-waffle shelf liner over the wir. Clean up is let it dry, shake it out, wash it ..... or, you can put a layer of paper-towels over it.
So I had 5 out on day 20, and another 2 hatched within a few minutes of each other last night. In another 2 hours I will be entering day 22. There is one that has a huge pip since last night but is still in the shell. The part of her that is exposed has fluffed. Also, another pip in a second egg. I am really wanting to take out the 5 chicks that hatched on day 20 and yesterday morning. I want to leave the other 2 that hatched last night in the bator to fluff and get some rest w/o all the rowdy bunch. But I also know I am supposed to sit on my hands. Suggestions? Thanks!!
Day 17 here Lockdown on Friday, Hopefully hatching Sunday (March 7th)! My oldest Grandson (8yo) will be present (if the weather holds well) for the event. he begins spring break on the 5th.

Candled eggs last night:
23/25 movement seen, developing well

2 show development, but I could not see movement.

I will recandle later tonight, and hopefully be able to tell on those. I marked them with small marks so I can just check those.

I made a candler out of a old projector that was laying around here, and between it on the bottom of the egg and a mini Maglite on the top, you can see lots of development!
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