MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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I think I boo-boo'd. I turned the bator temp up for lockdown because it wouldn't stay high enough and forgot to turn it down - I set 20 eggs Monday night and the temp has been 101.4 until last night when I finally realized why the temp was so high. Please tell me 24 hours at that temp isn't harmful!!!!!!
Wow! Lots has been happening while I have been away from home/'puter!
I have encountered a couple of problems I haven't seen/heard of before w/my hatch.

#1 Yesterday morning's 3 chicks were doing well last night when I got home, but the zipped one had no progress or movement
, and closer inspection showed that the shell was zipped but the were only 2 tiny sllits in the membrane. [the 2 piped ones were working away, the 2 'sitters' were still sitting.] Temp and humidity holding steady. I finally decided that 20+ hours indicated help needed [if not too late]. Removed the zipped egg, spritzed the others w/warm water. there were only 3 tiny slits in the membrane and it was TOUGH! I tore thru' it, the chick and shell were still moist on inside but chick was dead. It was moist, not shrink wrapped, perfectly formed and yolk entirely absorbed, but dead
I was too late
Aparently it smothered in the shell because couldn't break thru' that tough membrane
. It was an Australorp.

I sat and watched the second pip zip and hatch, and the first pip struggle to get thru' it's membrane [another Australorp]. I could see it's beak and tell it was breathing.

#2 The hatchling seemed to have a blob of thick, sticky jelled eggwhite [1/2 tsp?] stuck to its leg and wing, but yolk was absorbed and no bleeding. By midnight the last pipped chick looked drird out and tired. I have a new rule: 12 to 18 hours w/out progress, visible dry membranes, strongly consider intervention. I pulled him out & finished zippin the last 13, tearing the tough dry membrane as well. About a minute after I set him back in the bator he litterally JUMPED out of that egg! The shell came flying after it, landed upside down and dumped about a TBLSP of the thick, sticky, ambercolored/clear 'eggwhite glue' on the floor of the hatcher. I went to bed after increasing humidity to just over 70%. I woke this morning to my black chick crying pitifully, laquered down on it's side to the rubber matting and struggling to get out of the glop. Yellow chick was standing but it's wings were 'glued' to it's sides.

I got the black chick out [he stuck immediately to my hand] and held him under warm running water. It took several minutes to gently get most of the stuff off of him [it was like he was coated w/honey, but stickier! I wrapped him a warmed flanell towel and stuck him in my shirt while I set up a tiny ICU. Then got the yellow cick out t was dry but still looked wet, like it had WAY too much heavy-duty hair gell on it. She got a bath too. I had to leave for class, Went by the house 4 hours later on my way to get the GDs off the buss. They were peeping and cuddled together against their surrogate mommy beaver. When I get home I will open the last 2 eggs if no pips. Expect to find them perfect and dead, coated in goo.

Anyone have any idea what might have caused this --- ever seen anything like it? Suggestions for prevention?
question for those of you experienced with incubator hatches.

when we went into lockdown yesterday and removed the egg holder, the thermometers moved down and now temp is showing 98.5. I don't want to adjust, I hate to touch it. what do you guys think?
As of 6 pm yesterday the bator has been lockdown. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get even one to hatch after temperature spike of 104 a couple nights ago:/. I candled right before and tossed 4 eggs that were obvious quitters. Down to seven, started with 12....I hope, I hope, I hope.....
Just wanted to update: Lockdown is going fine. Sorry, it's been a busy day between work, kids' appointments, and my college course this evening. OH, I only put 4 eggs in Lockdown....I was planning on 5, and wrote the post before I actually started lockdown. One of them was a quitter. Temps are holding steady, and my acurite therm. reads 65% humidity.
Take care and good luck to you all!
I always have to adjust temps & humidity when lockdown happens, so bring it back up to the usual temp. When things are removed that can be a "heat sink/holder" like last of the bad eggs or maybe even the egg turner stuff, then temps change. Lockdown is also when the humidity should be turned up to whatever method you're using; for me with "dry incubation" it's 55% humidity (up from the 40-42% before the Day 18 lockdown. I always have to watch the incubator for 1/2 day to stabalize it at lockdown. Happy Hatching!

Madcap621: What a messy ordeal! I will look thru some info to see if I find something specific to this. It sounds like "sticky, wet" chicks, so wouldn't that be too much humidity during incubation where the egg white doesn't dry up enough. I feel for you! Glad you got some chicks out.
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