MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Update: When I got home, my 2 ICU chicks seem OK -- still shellacked and will need another bath, but active and doing well, so moved them2 remaining to the brooder. candled the 2 'sitters' -- one is moving, the other not and has a huge air cell, so didn't open, got humidity to 65 and left them in. Can't hurt, right??
Have 2 eggs due tomorrow. Wish me well.

I hatched a batch last month and had one little goopy guy. I gave him two baths and he still wouldn't fluff up. I finally did some research here and someone somewhere had suggested using an old toothbrushwhile giving him a bath to comb out the goop. It worked for my little guy. Don't know why some are so goopy and others are fine though.

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PandoraTaylor: It's almost hatch day for you! Here is a day counting guideline that my "chicken guru" shared with me last year, which counts your Day 1 as the day you incubated before noon (am not pm). Of course, those chickies have a mind of their own & we just do our best. Happy hatching!
*When is day 1 (see #69 & #70)

: Just saw your post of the cardboard box incubator & hatched chick. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing whatelse pops out.
OMG!! Hatch day isn't scheduled until tomorrow! Oh well, nothing stops Mom Nature!

So, I woke up this morning, let the dogs out, washed up, got dressed, poured myself a cup of coffee...and heard a "cheep"!?!! So, I went over to the bator, and found that one of my eggs is zipping, and another is pipped!
I was so excited, I showed my eldest DS (who was up already) and DW when she came downstairs to see what all the noise was about!
So, out of the 4 that went into Lockdown, I have 1 of the BO's zipped, and the 1 and only mutt that made it to Lockdown.
This is a bittersweet victory, because I had planned on them not hatching until tomorrow, when I am having my cubscout den meeting here, so the boys can watch them hatch. OH well!
I'm still thrilled!!

Before you ask, yes, I'll take and send pics....but my camera battery is charging right now. I've got to go do a bus run, anyways....but I'll be back in a couple hours!

Go chickies go!!
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I have babies!!! One out last night and already in the brooder. Two more out this morning. One zipping. I have a few questions, though.

1. One of the babies born this morning still has the shell stuck to it. What do I do?????

2. How long can they zip? I have one that started zipping last night (it was going when I got home at 8:00), and it's still going (made a TINY bit of progress in the night). It's still breathing (I can see it). Is this normal?
Congrats to everyone who are having great hatches.

I need help! I am hatching some Ameraucana chicks. Two so far have hatched out, and one of the chicks is having problems. She is stuck on her back and can not get up! From the window of the bator she looks formed fine, but is just laying on its back looking around. I guess I can't open the bator yet cause I have a bunch more eggs to hatch out hopfully. Any advise???

I posted in the other March hatching thread....figured I would add it here too. Had 24 eggs make it to lockdown. 17 hatched yestrday.


7 Mille Fleur bantam cochins
1 blue large fowl cochin
2 black giant/rir crosses
1 white leghorn/black giant cross
Cute Fuzzy butts.....
Congratulations to the hatchers!

Harleydar: I would watch the chick, and see if it is distressed, if it is just looking around and resting. How long has it been on it's back?

Deanner03: dont worry to much about the shell being stuck, when you move the little one to the brooder you could dampen the feathers around the shell and remove it. They can take days to Zip out, but opening the incubator to help, allows humidity to escape causing more stuck (shrinkwrapped) chicks. Keep humidity up until your sure all the pips & zips have hatched. (sometimes have to use a straw/syringe to add water to tray)

Day 19 here, my eggs were set Feb 14 in the morning. I know about the AM/PM day 1 thing. I try to always set my eggs before noon. I also write down the time they are placed in the incubator on the chart, just incase. These were set at 10:45 AM. Heard a bit of popping last night, but I can't see a thing happening, so either they are working the wrong end, or not ready yet.

Temp this morning was 99.5 and 100. Humidity 55% so added hot water to the tray via Syringe & airline (hose).
I am checking on them often noting temp & humidity and looking for pips, as I would like to video the hatch for the grandchildren.
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