MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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I have six eggs in the bator for four days now from my Dutch bantam trio! I wanted to hatch a lot more, but those bantams lay so few eggs I have to put them in the bator one batch at a time. So anyway, the hatch date for this batch is March 26.
No mstricer, there are absolutely no fertility issues with my chickens. Every egg in my bator is full of chick. Of my own eggs in there, every single one of them developed and I only tossed one that ended up a blood ring. I'm not sure if I miscalculated the actual due date or it's possible that I've run my temps just a teeny bit too low and they're taking longer to cook. Last night when I went to bed, I heard peeping. Odds are that these are going to take a day or two extra to hatch.

Now with my serama eggs which were shipped, I only managed to get three of them (out of a dozen) to lockdown. This is just the risk we take with shipped eggs and it bites. Clear doesn't always mean infertile. The PO and how they treat a box marked fragile might though.
As you can see, there are many different favorite methods for raising chicks. In my 1st week brooder I put pine shavings (for cushion), paper towel, waffle shelf liner & scattered chick starter for the first 2 or 3 days (til they get used to eating from a feeder of some sort). I change this all often, to keep the mess down. Then no more waffle shelf liner for the rest of the week, if they are all very stable on their legs. Starting week 2 the paper towels are no longer used & they are on just the pine shavings (no cedar ever). My take on that is by week 2 or so they are getting around very well, creating much more "poopies" & less likely to fill up on any wood shavings that they play with or nibble on. For the 1st week they seem to eat anything & need to fill up on nutrition especially for strength. Sawdust seems to be too fine & much like the starter, also it is so dusty, bad for lungs. Have fun with your chickies!
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ptig78d: Those chicks look strong! I love the clear plastic storage containers for brooders & have about 4 sizes; I just put some 1/4" or 1/2" wire mesh on the top for protection, hang a red heat lamp over one end & they're "good to go". They are see thru for the chicks so they get used to everything around them & can be switched out easily for a clean one while I dump the soiled bedding into the compost bin & sanitize it. If it's cooler in the room or there's a draft of cool air, then a cover can be placed on the end away from the heat lamp. Perfect! Good job there!
Welcome to the BYC new member!

Doms are cool. I've recently hatched a few Bantam Dom/Faverolles crosses & the were all very hardy/strong birds. Also, their traits were very strong over the Favs. What a nice heritage breed the Dominique is, pretty & hardy. Looking forward to seeing chick pictures. Since I can't have all the breeds, the pics let me live vicariously. Happy hatching, you're close!
Well everyone, the serama eggs are in lockdown (since last night) and should start pipping sometime in the next few days! I'm hopeful and excited!
I'll post on this thread once something happens!
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