MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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oh, sorry SilverPhoenix. It's frustrating waiting, waiting, waiting! My last hatch produced 0 out of 8 eggs set.
I hope you get some movement in there soon!
Just set 11 more eggs, 8 bantam wyndottes and 3 bantam modern game bbred's, We also have 12 in the bator since the 1st just candled them today and it looks like we have 6 good ones and 6 dud's. Not a big suprise 9 of the 12 were given to us and we didn't even know what breed they were probably not even fertile. I'll keep you updated as we candle. I see a lot of people have candling pictures on here how do they take those and turn out so well?
I woke up this morning to 2 peeping babies, and another with his head stuck in the turner
They weren't due to hatch until saturday, I was planning on moving them today. I hate it when that happens, silly little things
But there are 3 or 4 new ones since this morning, only 60 to go!
Friend2Fowl. I see by your signature line that you have qournix and button quail. My son is interested in getting some quail he is 11 and has been raising and showing bantam modern game for a couple years. Which type of quail would you recomend?
Houston, we have a pip!! 1:00 AM tomorrow morning (March 12th - my b-day) will be day 21, so we're pretty much "on schedule." I have 17 barnie eggs in the hatcher (though one is questionable), and just came in from working outside to find one of my white eggs (WLH x RSL) pipped!
That depends on what he plans to do with them. If he wants to have birds he can hold and 'play' with, then I would go with coturnix. However, there aren't many colors, other than brown (or brown-ish). Buttons are very pretty, but they aren't really 'pets'. Think of those as like a finch, they are nice to look at and listen to, but you can't hold them. Buttons are very wild, much more so than the coturnix. I think they could be tamed somewhat, but nothing like the coturnix can.
Got a call from the lady where my "test" eggs are. 6 of 7 are hatched under the banty and the ones in the bator are due to start tomorrow. I have 2 yellow, 3 black and 2 brown striped (I think). I am excited to go and see them! Terri O
I put 5 duck eggs into lockdown last night. Tonight, I heard a cheep and I have a pip. It happened over an hour ago, and it seems to have stalled. I have read that ducks take alot of time.. so.................. I am leaving them alone.. promise. But it is very hard to not pull off that little piece of shell....... but I WON'
They do take longer mine took about 20-22 hours from the first pip to complete hatch and we just hatched our first set 3 days ago they were mallards I'm not sure if the breed makes any difference in the time it takes. They were much slower than our chickens though. Good Luck!!!
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