MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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I have a broody hen!!!! Going to buy hatching eggs as my roo is NOT getting the job done!
Yesterday I set 12 turken and turken mix eggs from my own chickens and this morning I set 6 bantam phoenix eggs from boggybottombantams. My boyfriend souped up the LG with an eggturner and a forced air fan so hopefully no more crazy temperature spikes. Keeping my fingers crossed.
final report : hatch started sunday ended today. 1st trial with this incubator. didn't like it. waiting for my suro20 to arrive. backordered. grrr.
5 mille fleur
2 black mille fleur 1 with some type of hip issue. got him rigged out in a rubberband leg sling so he can walk. he seems stronger today.
3 splash marans
3 black marans. 1 enormous that looks like a panda. one with swollen foot.
4 spitzhauben 3 with big foreheads, one that looks like the pix of spitzhauben babies online
3 bc marans
1 blue polish with curled toes on one foot (snowshoe on). parents being given better vitamin suppliments.
1 buff silkie

the casualties
9 DIS maran. I think my humidity may have been too high. (50 for incubation 65 for hatch) they were perfectly formed but never pipped. one had his beak in the airsac
1 mille that pipped. after pip the egg was bumped by another chick and rolled over and suffocated him or her
1 spitz DIS again I have to assume humidity is the problem
10 eggs that quit for unknown reasons sometime during the last week and a half
5 eggs that were too dark to correctly candle and did not develop at all.
2 blood rings
2 wierd yellow sludgy gel eggs
Woke up this morning to one hatched and 3 pips. The one that hatched knocked over my hygrometer, so I'm "hatching blind." I'm just hoping my incubator stays as stable as it has been, since I have NO idea what the temp and/or humidity are at the moment...
I have 17 babies! 8 eggs are still unpipped so I am worried about those.

There are 11 in this photo (see if you can count them all)

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