MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Ok. So I see people posting about puting the hatching egg's in egg carton's is this the best way? I don't have an egg turner so I just left them on their sides would it be better for them if I put them in egg carton's?
I will be setting one more batch probably tomorrow morning.....
Here is an updated photo of the Feb Chicks I hatched.
They are not sure what to make of each other or the new brooder (kennel) they were moved into today!



Either way they will hatch, however, putting them in egg cartons keeps the hatchlings from tossing the remaining eggs all over the bator. I cut mine inidivdually...
Here we go! Lockdown is Friday night. I had enough nerve to candle ONE egg tonight and it is like it should be. A big blob with an air cell.

PS - my turner broke for three days and I work full time so turning was darned near impossible. Ken fixed it and all is going well tonight.
I used a still-air bator (no-turner). Set the eggs on their side marked X on one side and O on the other side. I turnred them 3 to 5X a day from day 1 to 17. I put mine on the egg carton at the last turn on lockdown day (Day 18). It worked pretty good. Unhatched eggs are left undisturbed by the ones who have hatched first.

I cut out the bottom and the pointy portion of the carton for maximum air circulation.
My 2nd batch of chicks this March. These are Easter Eggers born Tuesday night. Sorry not the greatest picture.

I've got one more batch of 4 egg's due early next week of Polish.
I was "suposed" to go into lock down this am, but when I decided to candle 1 last time... almost every egg was dead. I almost had a fit, but things happen... right?
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