MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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one egg had a MAHOOSIVE air sac... filled both water trays to componsate... couldn't stand losing another indian runner duckling and make 6-5-4...

Candled today... air sac only the size of what it should have been on DAY 8!!


currently... no water cups are filled... and won't be for at least three days... so worried...

no broody hens either to help them along...

any help?!?!
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I've got 12 cuckoo marans, 1 blue splash maran and 5 EEr's in lockdown. Hatch should be tomorrow March 26th.
Not sure if the EE's quit on me but I am keeping my fingers crossed !!!

Playing the waiting game now !!!
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Same here. I'm a newbie and I'm nervous if I did everything right. The egg is still there, not moving, no cheeping, no pipping. All of my candling matched up to the "photo shoot" on this section but I'm still nervous.
Good luck with your Silkie, save the favs!! Your gonna love her, she is very beautiful! Just be patient she will become broody.

Very cute chicks monicas!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful pictures
OK, I had so much fun with the few that I managed to hatch out in November, I decided to try it again with a full incubator!

I have 36 eggs set to hatch on the 30th. I'll go into lockdown on Saturday night. I just candled them for day 18 and all but one were good. I'm sooooo excited!

I'll give an update and pictures on Tuesday.

These are a mix/mut breed. Red stars for the hens and a EE for the roo. The other 4 that I hatched out around Thanksgiving are really getting big . . . 3 roos and one hen. I also hatched one out a month before that and has now started laying!

It's amazing the different colors that I have got with this mix.

Has anyone really had good luck with that feather length sexing????

the feather length sexing works best when the feathers just start coming in, so a couple days old, and only with some breeds.
I don't know which breeds, but I find it fun to check them out and keep tracking their progress to see how it ended up.

Hopefully someone on here has more experience with it and can help you out. try the search feature here, I believe it's been discussed a few times.

Good luck!

Just got home from the store and went to check the temp in the bator and one egg has pipped.

Now we play the waiting game again !!!

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I heard "peep,peep!" from inside the eggs! Not to long. Do you guys want pictures when they hatch?!?! Congrats to all you new mommys!!!
13 out of 36 hatched so far... I had 2 die in the shell zipping... Why does that happen? Am I doing something wrong or is it just one of those things... the 2 that died so far were the very 1 that pip Wed. night at 9:30 (I think I should have helped it out of its shell sometime yesterday but I was trying to let it just do it now I'm kicking myself in the butt for not helping) and the other pipped and zipped pretty good last night. I still have alot of pips I keeping a close eye on them today.
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