MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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thanks for this info
well since my post this a.m. we've had cheeping of one around 10:30 and by 5 p.m. it was totally out of the shell
but no others have peeped or pipped yet. everyone else is quiet except for this one little one. there is no smell like any went bad along the way. oh and i forgot 2 of the 11 are from our hens and the other 9 were not (shipped). plus our two are a nh/rir mix. the 9 are marans. now how long can this little one stay in the incubator before it needs to come out. the 25 days we should wait for the marans will be up on tuesday night and by tuesday night this one will have been in the incubator for 4 nights which i am sure wouldn't be good. so what would anyone advise?
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The chick takes a few hours to dry & fluff, some have to be washed off.
They can stay in the incubator up to 3 days after hatching, as you wait for the others to hatch.
They are pretty sleepy when they hatch as it takes alot of effort to get out of the shell.

I have left them in the incubator for 48 hours waiting for another that had pipped to finish.
Just be sure that when you do move it, that you have no pips and that the little one your moving has a drink of water.
vegaschick & Soaring Chicks: Congrats on your chickie hatches!

leeandtina: Congrats on your chick that hatched & hope you get more! Like PandoraTaylor said, you can leave a hatched chick in the incubator 48 hours while waiting for the others. The hatcheries depend on that time frame when they ship for 2 days, when the new hatched chicks are still digesting the egg yoke that they absorbed before hatching. My favorite time to take chicks out of the incubator is between 12 to 24 hrs, but have tried the 48 hrs when needed & all was well for the chick (it got really loud & acted very, very hungry, so got it straight to water then feed). I noticed that you had mentioned the 3x's a day turning/tilting durring incubation; I turn 3x a day on weekdays & 5 x on weekends on my days off from work. Just wanted to make sure that when you did lockdown that the eggs were no longer turned/tilted, I may have misread that. Happy for you & your family to have a least 1 chick, kids get such a kick out of those fuzzy little miracles of life.
I just wanna say Congratulations to everyone!!! We got lots of cute chickies this month.

*Guess my hatch is done 17 didnt hatch....... but 19 adorable chickies did. I wish all of them would have hatched, but I'm still learning, I think my humidity was up too much, think I added too much water on lock down gotta be more careful next hatch (April). And I'm gonna make sure I have NO pips or zips when I gather chickies to put in brooder.
Congrats on you 19 chicks! Hope to see a picture of them if you can & let us know what kind they are. I see you're already thinking about how to improve your next hatch, that's the way we all learn & do better. Thanks for joining in here & hope to see you again on another months hatch-a-long. Will be starting one every month of this year.
thank you
yes, i forgot to add that we stopped turning them at day 18. we now have 2 littles
that are all the way out. we left for church then came back as we forgot something and saw one had pipped and when we came home at 1 p.m. its shell had zipped and it was starting to come out of the shell. the kids were all there for that. then it had its cord attached which is drying off but has a really bulby lump where it was attached. but its peeping and trying to get about too!

so to make sure we don't do anything wrong, the longest they should go in the incubator after they are hatched is 48 hours/2 days or 72 hours/3 days? if we wanted to try to save the rest of the eggs until tuesday night since they are marans should be try going into the bath w/lots of steam and replacing the water in the incubator w/hot steamy water after we take the chicks out? (thinking on trying to save the others just in case one or two more might be stubborn and taking longer).
Heres 16 of my March chickies from my backyard flock... BO's, RIR's, EE's, Bantams (one of my roosters that fathered some of these is a BO/RIR mix)



My lil bantam I'm keeping...


Keeping this lil chubby one too

* 1 of my EE eggs hatched and I keeping that one too (12 of them are already sold)
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