March hatch along

I got to set my eggs yesterday got slowed down a bit with some horse business haha but they r in there and there is 21 of my green eggs 6 spangle 3 rir and 4 from an old hen that is very meaty hoping to get some nhce sized meat birds going and I will also add today's see how many I get hope all ones we'll :D
So glad to finally have you aboard since this is your string after all!!! Good luck!
I set 41 Dominique eggs on Tuesday the 25th of Feb. Looking forward to a March 19th-ish hatch. First candling is next Tuesday. Last batch (which were collected the last week of January) I had 88% start, but only 37% hatch. Upping the humidity a bit during lockdown this time.

Hope everyone has a good March hatch!
I set 41 Dominique eggs on Tuesday the 25th of Feb. Looking forward to a March 19th-ish hatch. First candling is next Tuesday. Last batch (which were collected the last week of January) I had 88% start, but only 37% hatch. Upping the humidity a bit during lockdown this time.

Hope everyone has a good March hatch!
Welcome aboard! What was the problem with the last hatch??
Good luck
Thanks! You too!
Everything good in my corner today (day 7).. No new Brahmas developing but the two that I found yesterday have really gone to town growing. I think those will end up being my only two but I don't want to toss any until maybe Tuesday.

Temp was so great this AM that I skipped turning; i hate to leave the house so soon after messing the temp up so I just waited til I got home.

I know this is a terrible pic, but I've found a way to cheat on my dark Marans eggs. I take a pic and then change the finish, lol. Here's a peek inside the lightest one. On the darkest one even this doesn't work.


Anyway. WHat is everyone's expected (approximate lol) hatch date? Mine is March 14.
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I have 19 maran eggs and they are all too dark to look in so I'm just leaving them all in for now. I have four Ameraucana eggs in there as well and only one is light enough to look in and I did see a nice little chick developing. They are due to hatch on the eighth so just one more week. I'll be happy if just a couple chicks hatch since this is my first time.
Everything good in my corner today (day 7).. No new Brahmas developing but the two that I found yesterday have really gone to town growing. I think those will end up being my only two but I don't want to toss any until maybe Tuesday.

Temp was so great this AM that I skipped turning; i hate to leave the house so soon after messing the temp up so I just waited til I got home.

I know this is a terrible pic, but I've found a way to cheat on my dark Marans eggs. I take a pic and then change the finish, lol. Here's a peek inside the lightest one. On the darkest one even this doesn't work.


Anyway. WHat is everyone's expected (approximate lol) hatch date? Mine is March 14.
March 6ish....

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