Marek's Disease help please!


🐓 Silkie Queen 🐓
8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
How can I stop the spread of Marek's Disease in my flock? I have already had 4 hens die and have new chicks hatching soon. Can I prevent the chicks from getting it? I don't have a local vet to ask cause none of the vets in my area take poultry.
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If you know (have had it confirmed) that you have Marek's in your flock, then vaccinating chicks hatched under a broody (who has been exposed to the virus) is probably not going to be effective. The Marek's vaccine has to be given at 1 day old and the chicks cannot be exposed to the virus for 2 weeks after vaccination. If you want to bring in vaccinated chicks, you would be better off purchasing vaccinated chicks, or raising them in a brooder. Even doing it in a brooder they are likely to be exposed by transfer from dust on clothing and shoes. You can purchase the vaccine on line, it usually comes in 1000 dose vials. It's a two part vaccine that you mix, it's only good for 2 hours after mixing.’s-disease-backyard-chickens
More on Marek's that may help you decide how you want to try to manage things, I personally breed my birds that are showing no symptoms, hoping to raise more that are more resistant to the virus.
If you know (have had it confirmed) that you have Marek's in your flock, then vaccinating chicks hatched under a broody (who has been exposed to the virus) is probably not going to be effective. The Marek's vaccine has to be given at 1 day old and the chicks cannot be exposed to the virus for 2 weeks after vaccination. If you want to bring in vaccinated chicks, you would be better off purchasing vaccinated chicks, or raising them in a brooder. Even doing it in a brooder they are likely to be exposed by transfer from dust on clothing and shoes. You can purchase the vaccine on line, it usually comes in 1000 dose vials. It's a two part vaccine that you mix, it's only good for 2 hours after mixing.’s-disease-backyard-chickens
More on Marek's that may help you decide how you want to try to manage things, I personally breed my birds that are showing no symptoms, hoping to raise more that are more resistant to the virus.
Ok, thank you for the help!

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