Marek's Disease


11 Years
Dec 2, 2008
Hello, I have 18 chickens that are about 1 year old, 3 bantam chicks that are 2 weeks old, and 14 eggs in the bator.

I havent had any problems (knock on wood) with Marek's but I am thinking about vaccination.

I dont know if my 18 1yr old's have ever been vaccinated, I didnt get them from a hatchery I got them from a farmer about an hour away from me.

Also, the 3 bantam chicks I got from TSC 2 weeks ago and never asked them (stupid me)

I have 3 questions:

1. Should I vaccinate the chickens that I already have?

2. If they were already vaccinated would it hurt them to do it again?

3. Can I buy the vaccine at a store or does a vet have to do it?
your questions were:

I have 3 questions:

1. Should I vaccinate the chickens that I already have?
No you can't vaccinated after they are 1 day old

2. If they were already vaccinated would it hurt them to do it again?
I don't think so BUTI believe you need to go to
Kim J Theodores site
read and learn about mareks vaccination

3. Can I buy the vaccine at a store or does a vet have to do it?
I believe it has to come from a supply company but Kim will have where you can get it

It comes in 3000 units and maybe 10000 units
and will have to be given on the first day you take them out of the incubator

the ones vaccinated will not give it to the ones not vaccinated unless one of the new ones does not take the vaccine
it may not ever happen
you can email me PM for any more questions you have

thanks for the info

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