Mareks in my flock?

Microchick, I also meant to add, you might want to get Valbazen as well, and switch off between the 2 when you deworm... use one, then next time use the other, then back... *should* help keep the worms from building resistance to one type...
That's why I'm looking for a second coccidia medication. I'm almost out of Corid and want to switch so when I worm them again midsummer I can use a different medicine.I'll look for the Valbazen also while I'm at it.

We have a really bad parasite problem on our property. The previous owner had sheep but never wormed them....nor could he figure out why they were dropping dead from parasite infestation......duh. Even with no livestock on our property, our dogs have to be wormed monthly as they are always catching and eating wild rabbits.

I figure that from this point on I really need to ramp up the worming schedule and since my flock is a 'hobby/pet" flock use antibiotics also as suggested. I usually give my extra eggs away to friends, neighbors, and service people, UPS, FEDEX, etc so it won't be an inconvenience to hold eggs after treatment and either us use them or feed them back to the pets.
Someone needs some help on another thread - I only have experience with the ocular form, and suggested they come over here, but here is the post if someone wants to go over there:

Good catch, Kathy... personally I recommend Valbazen(Albendazole 11.6%) or Safeguard(fenbendazole 10%)... we have discovered that gapeworm is abundant here and I have had excellent results treating all my birds with it... thanks to Kathy's help... ;)

Yes I usually do use ivermectin. I think its been effective for us. When we had the necropsy done they didn't find any worms or mites etc.. They did however find cocci though and ecoli. The ecoli could have been because we had to wait over the weekend before we could ship her though. Thats what it died from was the cocci and sepsis. She said it was because it had become auto immune... The tumors were in the lungs but they weren't what killed her.

I started using Safeguard this year with good results. 

Regarding the Baycox. I found it on Ebay but was wondering if it was an RX required wormer as Ebay was the only place I found it for sale.
Quote: It's sold several ways... 5% (50 mg/ml) suspension for horses that is *not* water soluble, 5% (50 mg/ml) water soluble, and 2.5% (25 mg/ml) water soluble. Also sold as powder and tablets.

Dose is 7 mg/kg for 2 days.
  • 5% = 0.065 ml per pound.
  • 2.5 % = 0.13 ml per pound.

Generic sold as endocox: - Endocox 2.5% - highly effective against ...
Endocox 2.5% Powder is highly effective against Coccidiosis/Atoxoplasmosis in ornamental birds. Active Ingredient: Toltrazuril. Dose Rate 1 teaspoon (5g) per 1 ...

ENDOCOX POWDER 100g | Jedds Bird Supplies
$27.95 - ‎In stock

Product Description. A highly effective treatment against coccidiosis in pigeons and cage birds. Contains: 2.5% Toltrazuril. Dosage: 1 teaspoon (5 grams) per 1 ...

Endocox 2.5%/Bird Medicines/Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies/Bird ...
Endocox 2.5%, Generic Baycox for Cryptosporidium and Coccidia.

Treatment for Coccidiosis and Atoxoplasmosis | Laraine's Lady ...
Endocox 2.5%. Coccidistat. For the Prevention of Coccidiosis & Atoxoplasmosis (a form of Coccidia). NOW IN WATER SOLUBLE POWDER. We recommend a ...

Coccidiosis Treatments - Vita King Products
COCCIDIOSIS TREATMENTS. EndoCox - Liquid or Tablets. EndoCox Liquid. Very effective treatment for coccisiosis. Active ingredients: toltrazulir. #COC0051.

Pigeon Supplies Plus — Endocox 2.5% 100ml
For the treatment of Coccidiosis. contains: Toltazuril. treatment: 4cc per gallon of water for 2 days and may repeat after 7 days. botlle will treat 25 gallons of water ...

Images for endocox
More images for endocoxReport images

Endocox Coccidia Treatment for Birds 100g | eBay › Pet Supplies › Bird Supplies › Other Bird Supplies
A highly effective treatment against coccidiosis in pigeons and cage birds. Change water daily.
The necropsy report also found a "moderate #" of cecal worm and roundworm eggs (heterakaris and ascardidia).
Oh geez I didn't even catch that and when I talked to the pathologist she only mentioned the cocci. Does ivermectin treat roundworms? Maybe I should try the safeguard after all? If the one has it would that mean they all do?

Thanks, Kathy. I'm on it.

My little one is still hobbling around. Toes are pretty well useless but she is using the foot and leg mainly as a crutch for balance so she is putting some weight on it. She will go a short distance, sink to the ground and rest. She is still breathing heavy when she is sitting still. I'm giving her every chance to get the use back but I sincerely believe that this isn't an injury simply because when she stands up the leg is dangling and the toes are curling in different directions. She is eating and drinking but acting weak. If the other leg goes it will be a deal breaker. I'm not going to put this little one through much more. The B12 didn't help her at all and they are getting Corid now. Today is their second day.

@seminolewind I feel so much the same way you do. I hate this disease more than I hate the ticks that cause Lyme disease. That's a considerable amount of hate, trust me.
Oh geez I didn't even catch that and when I talked to the pathologist she only mentioned the cocci. Does ivermectin treat roundworms? Maybe I should try the safeguard after all? If the one has it would that mean they all do?

I wouldn't trust Ivermectin for treating any worms, personally... I use it for external parasites and stick with Safeguard or Valbazen for worms...

Yes, if one has them then most likely they all do... or at least have the exposure to have them...
I'm running the last of my Corid through my flock now then I am switching to Baycox.

I am a little puzzled tho. I have a 14 month old rooster that is very much under watch right now. He has always been lagging in development. His feathers are not the common BO gold but a mixture of white and gold. His feathering is also very 'soft' and he has always been think. I noticed yesterday that he wasn't acting the same. I've had to do a serious worming on him the first part of the year plus ran a course of Terramycin due to some sort of URI that he had. Not contagious. No other bird came down with it but he was shaking mucous out of his mouth. The Antibiotic seemed to work and he livened up considerably, even crowing for the first time.

Yesterday I noticed that 'Bud' wasn't acting himself. And I'm wondering if being on the Corid has something to do with it? I know he is showing signs of Mareks. His breast muscle is atrophied and he just won't gain weight in spite of a huge appetite. Can shedding a worm load cause physical problems? Or is it without the parasites, the Marek's is flaring due to the stress of the worming? I have test tubes, slides, slide covers and a good microscope. Maybe it's time to do a float test on him but I really suspect that the problem isn't parasites at this point in time.

My little paralyzed on one leg 6 week old isn't doing well at all. I'm leaving her with the flock so she has her siblings with her. She seems more relaxed and happier with them around her but I can see she is weakening. I would be thrilled if she would pop out of this attack for even a year. A 6 week old pullet needs a bit of a chance to live life. She's eating well and drinking, so it's out of my hands at this point. What will be will be for both birds.
I wouldn't trust Ivermectin for treating any worms, personally... I use it for external parasites and stick with Safeguard or Valbazen for worms...

Yes, if one has them then most likely they all do... or at least have the exposure to have them...

I've never used safeguard before or valbazen. Where can I get them and dosage directions?

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