Marek's Survivor

little white

In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
I now have two Marek's survivors in my flock.
Here is the blogpost of Fern's illness and how I'm treating her: I receive so many conflicting opinions on whether the other hens in the flock are at risk. And I still don't know how well Fern will recover. She can't sit on a roost. But she can walk...and stumble around. And every day she is a little stronger.
I now have two Marek's survivors in my flock.
Here is the blogpost of Fern's illness and how I'm treating her: I receive so many conflicting opinions on whether the other hens in the flock are at risk. And I still don't know how well Fern will recover. She can't sit on a roost. But she can walk...and stumble around. And every day she is a little stronger.
in our NPIP class they indicated that once infected, they can shed the virus their entire lives and infect all non vaccinated birds. Vaccinated birds can too, so it is important to know where your birds came from and what vaccinations they have had.


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