I'm in Frederick County and I'm looking to create my roster. I'm looking for 8 hens. I'd like RIRs, Buff Orpingtons, Americaunas, and Barred Rocks (or another reputable layer variety. Was interested in 2 of each variety. Looking for point of lay/started/ or close to


I'm planning on going to the swap in Smithsbug in mid April but it seems a lot of the vendors I've talked to early either don't have these varieties or are bringing young chicks or 8 weekers.
If you didn't locate everything you wanted, you might be interested in knowing that I bought Buff Orp chicks from S/S Woodsboro several weeks ago; $3.75 ea for 5. Supposed to be all pullets, but I'm pretty sure, at 5 days short of 2 months old, that one's a problem. Maybe you'll be looking again next year.
Does anyone know if I should be worried about snakes here in Mt Airy? I'm new here and just got my first flock started.
I know there are fox and coons and soooo many hawks so I have chicken wire on the top of my coop and hardware cloth around the bottom about two feet up from the ground.
Think that will be enough?
You might want to make an apron from 1x2 welded wire a foot or two out from the base of the run, just below the surface or on top of the ground (grass will grow up through it & you'll be able to mow over it this Summer) to discourage tunneling/burrowing pests.
Does anyone know if I should be worried about snakes here in Mt Airy? I'm new here and just got my first flock started.
I know there are fox and coons and soooo many hawks so I have chicken wire on the top of my coop and hardware cloth around the bottom about two feet up from the ground.
Think that will be enough?
I am in Mount Airy and yes, there are def snakes! The most common are huuuuuge (as in long, not thick) black snakes aka rat snakes. Every summer I find at least one trying to get into a cool nest box for eggs. That doesn't count the snakes just hanging out in the cool barn.
They seem to only be after baby chicks, eggs, and cool spots though, not adult chickens.
If you want to try to trap snakes, here is a neat snake trap: get a cylindrical style minnow trap. Put a few golf balls or real eggs into the minnow trap. Close it up and wait for the snake- the snake enters the minnow trap through the minnow hole, eats an egg, and then can't get out of the trap bc the egg is wider than the minnow hole!
Good luck to you-

We are just outside of Annapolis, in Arnold. We recently started our backyard flock and ended up with two boys. Now we are down to 2 barred rocks (3 month old) and 2 silkies (2 month old). We’d like to get two more girls to add to the flock. Don’t want to do the whole brooder thing again. The birds will be in a coop, with supervised free ranging as well. My three kids are learning how to care for poultry and are doing great. Let me know if you’re in the area and have something. Thanks!

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