I am in Wicomico County Maryland and looking to start with chickens, any pointers for me? And what was that I saw about having to register chickens? Do what? Why?

You register your flock with the state of Maryland. The process is easy and quick and is no trouble other than the inconvenience of mailing in a form in an envelope. They send you a nice card with your registered number. If a threat exists in your area they will let you know. This is an important way of ensuring biosecurity for your flock.

Is where you go to get the form. Good place to start, I could find no information on county concerns about chickens, not sure what the laws where you live are but a call to the zoning board may be in order if your property is not zoned agricultural. Also, if you are in an HOA please check their rules first!!
If you are in an HOA check with your board first and get permission in writing.

My sister-in-law checked the bylaws of her HOA and chickens were allowed under the rules. However, when a neighbor complained to the board, the rules were amended and applied retroactively. She was forces to give up her 4 chickens after putting 7 months into raising them.
If you are in an HOA check with your board first and get permission in writing.

My sister-in-law checked the bylaws of her HOA and chickens were allowed under the rules. However, when a neighbor complained to the board, the rules were amended and applied retroactively. She was forces to give up her 4 chickens after putting 7 months into raising them.

And THAT is why I refuse to live in a place with an HOA. No thank you, I rather own my property without anyone telling me what I can do with it. Too complicated, bad enough I have to deal with the county.
My chickens and ducks have been out roaming around; I always give them the choice. The heavy winds we had here blew all the snow away from most of the coops, the cars, the house, etc, and off the ridge between the upper coops and the horses' run in shed, so they have places that attract warm sun rays and can sit and bask. The only ones that haven't been out are my Swedes, and that is because the snow drifted as high as my waist around their coop. We dug in to feed them, but I am not digging around the coop....we dug out our 500' drive, and that is all I'm doing.

I don't think it's as cold out as it was last time.
Hi everyone I will be hatching soon and I have a Sumatra LF and muscovies for sale now. Message me or contact me threw my website or Facebook/azpoultry Thanks
Maryland only requires NPIP or individual testing and wing or leg bands to be shown or sold. Nothing is changing for the poultry these have been the requirements for many years. New identification rules have come out from the feds for livestock moving interstate and MD is applying the same rules to intrastate exhibitions as well. I work for Maryland Dept of Ag and would be happy to answer any questions any of you have. We are working hard to dispell all of the myths about poultry and MDA. Registration is free and is a law. See Annotated Code § 3-804. Registration. Occasionally we send out some biosecurity information, but generally we only contact you if we really have a need like a disease outbreak. Check out our website or call us @ 410-841-5810. Hope this helps clear things up.
Birds crossing state lines are required to be individually tested or NPIP. There is no requirement for a CVI, for exhibition they are requierd to have a self certification which is just a statement saying you have checked your birds and you don't see anything wrong with them.
No NPIP cert is still acceptable. Birds must be individually identified, but this has been a requirement for several years. No changes to poultry sales or exhibition this year. Only need testing/NPIP id and a self certification to exhibit. This is a form that can be found on our website it just states you have looked oyur birds over and you are not aware of any health issues.
Well, I happened to pop over to MDA's website, where they have updated all policies.

Livestock will have new ear tag requirements. Not poultry, so I was mistaken. But poultry must have a numbered wing or leg band and originate from a registered flock if they are MD birds. Testing requirements for intra and interstate birds are outlined with appropriate forms given.

I am unble to copy and paste from the website to here, but here is a link to the requirements and the necessary self certification forms. Of course, poultry crossing state lines still needs interstate veterinary certificates

This also outlines requirements if one wishes to hold a show or swap on one's property or a public venue.

ETA: there are some misconceptions about registering. When you register, all you are doing is saying, yes, I have poultry, about this many, what kinds I have, and this is what I use them for. If you are selling a great number of birds or showing your birds, your risk is different than the guy with 5-10 hens that never go anywhere, and thus your need to hear if a disease is affecting birds in your area is different. They also want to know if you are near a body of water, because your risk of your birds getting something from wild birds is higher and they can help you if you suddenly have a good number of birds dying off unexpectedly.

I know several of the MDA field staff...very nice people. They aren't out to get anyone.
Poultry do not need a CVI, they need testing/NPIP status and individual id (wing or leg band). For exhibition they also need a self certification. The form can be found on our website. It just explains what we as animal health inspectors/vets look for. By signing it you are saying you don't believe your animals to be sick or have any health concerns. We have different self certs for different species since something like ringworm isn't really something we look for in poultry but we do in cattle.

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