So after careful thought I have decided to return to BYC. I really miss reading and replying on the site. I no longer care what others think about my breeding program ideas. If you don't like them, go get your chickens from someone else.

Many have reached out and asked what I have been doing since I left. Simple, I kept expanding my flock. Right now I have the following breeds:

Alsteirer, American Bresse (white), Ayam Cemani, Birchen Marans, Bielefelder, Barnevelder, Cream Legbar, English Orps (Partridge, Silver Laced, Buff, Jubilee), Hedemora, Isbar, Marsh Daisy, Swedish Flower Hens, and Sulmtalers (Blue Wheaten and Gold Duckwing)

I expect the Marsh Daisy to do well here in Maryland, especially in the wooded, wet areas around the Chesapeake.

So it feels good to be back on the site. Please, I ask in advance, if you have a problem with my breeding programs, just keep in mind that everyone can raise their flocks either in selected traits or landrace. I do both, depending upon the breed. If you don't like that, that's fine, just don't be nasty to me or others that choose to raise our chickens different than you.

And for those that sent me PMs, I am digging through them. Sorry for not getting back to people sooner but it has been a tough winter.
So after careful thought I have decided to return to BYC. I really miss reading and replying on the site. I no longer care what others think about my breeding program ideas. If you don't like them, go get your chickens from someone else.

Many have reached out and asked what I have been doing since I left. Simple, I kept expanding my flock. Right now I have the following breeds:

Alsteirer, American Bresse (white), Ayam Cemani, Birchen Marans, Bielefelder, Barnevelder, Cream Legbar, English Orps (Partridge, Silver Laced, Buff, Jubilee), Hedemora, Isbar, Marsh Daisy, Swedish Flower Hens, and Sulmtalers (Blue Wheaten and Gold Duckwing)

I expect the Marsh Daisy to do well here in Maryland, especially in the wooded, wet areas around the Chesapeake.

So it feels good to be back on the site. Please, I ask in advance, if you have a problem with my breeding programs, just keep in mind that everyone can raise their flocks either in selected traits or landrace. I do both, depending upon the breed. If you don't like that, that's fine, just don't be nasty to me or others that choose to raise our chickens different than you.

And for those that sent me PMs, I am digging through them. Sorry for not getting back to people sooner but it has been a tough winter.

Welcome back!!

I for one have missed having you on the boards. I think that you have a lot to offer. There will always be philosophical differences among any group of people, especially online. But if one develops a little thicker skin and not rise to the bait that some offer, you will truly appreciate the information sharing and idea exchange. Once again, a sincere welcome back.
Welcome back!!

I for one have missed having you on the boards. I think that you have a lot to offer. There will always be philosophical differences among any group of people, especially online. But if one develops a little thicker skin and not rise to the bait that some offer, you will truly appreciate the information sharing and idea exchange. Once again, a sincere welcome back.
I second this sentiment.
Anyone looking for land to expand their breeding, or start a small eggs/meat business? Could be appropriate for livestock as well. We hve land for lease on Eastern Shore in Denton Area. Please inquire.
I can tell you we have had crippled chickens that lived for up to 5 years with little problems. I would watch for swelling or infection, and i use to cage them every now and then to rst and fatten up.
Doesnt look broken but she limps badly sometimes even completely hops on one foot. When she does put weight on it its like she attempts to flip the toes out straight, otherwise they stay curled under. Feels warm upon palpation. Can't feel a break. I'm really not sure how to help her. She eats well and is still laying..even in this frigid weather! !!
Doesnt look broken but she limps badly sometimes even completely hops on one foot. When she does put weight on it its like she attempts to flip the toes out straight, otherwise they stay curled under. Feels warm upon palpation. Can't feel a break. I'm really not sure how to help her. She eats well and is still laying..even in this frigid weather! !!

Was she fed medicated feed as a chick? What breed and how old? Some chickens are susceptible to the thiamine blocker associated with ampuprollium in medicated feed. This deficiency affects joint development. I have had Swedish flower hens, cream legbars, and cream legbar hybrids develop curled toes and two have hip problems after a Corid (ampuprollium) treament for coccidosis as chicks. One cream legbar pullet does exactly what you describing. Hopping on one leg and sticking the other out with toes spread.

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