Since we will be living near Frederick, I'll probably take the kids there one day. We try to go to the State Fair every other year too.

Last time we went to the state fair, we went through the cattle barn just as a calf was born. I asked my guys if they wanted to watch. "No, Mom, we've seen that at your work." :lol: What I find interesting they find utterly boring.
Hi there, just saw this thread. We are in Howard County, close to Carroll. Have 8 1/2 acres, 2 ponies, 2 horses (1 just bred), 1 foal, 4 pygmy goat mixes, 5 bob white quail, 5 quail which are white and no on can identify (mutants), 33 chickens, 1 gold fish, 2 Brittany's and an Irish Setter... and... OUR FIRST EGG TODAY!

Our Chickens came from TSC, Bowmans and a local breeder. We have a wide (and odd variety)... Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barred Rock, red Sex Links, New Hampshire, RIR, Golden Comet, Various colors of Americauna/EE's, couple of Frizzles, Couple of Silkies, Black Australorp, Cornish Rock (by accident - found out she was a broiler not a layer, but she was given a reprieve and lives the life devine!), Dixie Rainbow, light Brahma and White Plymouth Rock. The next time I get chickens I will get them from a good breeder.

My 7 yr old and 10 yr old sons have just joined 4H and will be showing their chickens in the fair.

I love LOVE LOVE my chickens. Love to watch the interactions. Impressed with "birds of a feather flock together" being true. Having chickens is a real education. DH built our coop. We have 8 boxes, roosting area, fan, nice (albiet small) run and we are expanding the run. The broiler and the bantams are together in one of the horse stalls. They have their own coop, but we haven't set up their run just yet. All are slightly spoiled.... DH pulls up weeds for them daily, they get our veggie & fruit left overs and are handled daily. Wish we could let them free range, but our farm is surrounded by a state park and the fox are fairly abundant here, AND we have a nesting pair of red-tail hawks.

Will have to post pix soon!
TobyMGF: Sounds like you got bit by the chicken lover bug. Congrats on your first egg! I'm checking daily for mine, none yet! Welcome to the Maryland thread and
Speaking of County fairs, here is all I could find for now.
Who is going to what?!?
The Great Frederick Fair - Sept. 14 - Sept. 22
St. Mary's County Fair - Sept. 20 - Sept. 23
Calvert County Fair - Sept. 26 - Sept. 30

On the Eastern Shore front...Somerset County Fair July 23-29
Great Pocomoke Fair August 2-4
Worcester County Fair August 10-12
Wicomico Farm & Home Show August 16-18
Eastern Shore People (or Western Shore willing to drive for pickup):

I have an 8 week old Golden Polish Rooster for sale. He's $15. He started crowing this week, and has bright red waddles. He has a beautiful tail, and beautiful green flashing in his feathers. Is this something someone would be interested in? Pics coming..
I live north of Baltimore (Glen Arm) area. I am looking for anyone who would like to barter for whole milk (right from the cow). Some idiots in Maryland have made it illegal to purchase it in this state. I need whole milk to make butter and cheese. I am extremely handy with building and electrical work, and my wife cans veggies and dries herbs. I believe we can make a deal as long as money doesn't change hands.
I live north of Baltimore (Glen Arm) area. I am looking for anyone who would like to barter for whole milk (right from the cow). Some idiots in Maryland have made it illegal to purchase it in this state. I need whole milk to make butter and cheese. I am extremely handy with building and electrical work, and my wife cans veggies and dries herbs. I believe we can make a deal as long as money doesn't change hands.
My friends used to get it from the Amish in Delaware because they couldn't find anyone here. Good luck! I want to make cheese sometime. Yum!

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