
Hi, I live in Northern Montgomery County Maryland and am new to raising chickens. We just finished raising 10 meat birds we received from Meyer's Hatchery in November. Don't think I will be doing meat birds again anytime soon. It has been cold, and the birds have been young, so I didn't really let them outside t. We received 15 egg birds from Meyers December 17, but only 8 survived shipping. The 8 that survived are doing well. I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Easter Eggers. They are around 4 weeks old. I hope none of them are roosters, though I am suspicious about at least one of my RIRs. Recently, we have been hearing coyote's at night I knew there were plenty of fox, hawks, raccoons, etc. around, but had not been worried about coyotes until now.
Hi Chickenterapy1! I'm not far from you, I'm in the Frederick area. Also fairly new to chickens but my chicks came in August so they're just over 5 months old. All hens, mixed breed flock. They just started laying in the last few weeks. Very exciting!! I saw a coyote last summer. Lots of predators around, but so far I haven't had any intruders into my run or coop.

Welcome to BYC :)
Hello There, Stockton...
We're here in Girdletree. I'm new to raising chickens. Got our first ones last year, and we're making a second attempt at hatching. Our first try was unsuccessful. We have a dominique, some easter eggers, and now we have 2 banty chicks. A frizzle cochin and a d'uccle. I don't know much about them, but we were desperate to have chicks to appease the 3yr and 6yr olds...and me, after our eggs didn't hatch. And they were the only ones I could find locally.

What kind of chickens do you have :)
Hi! This answer for this question is likely buried here on BYC.... If I buy chicks do they need to be NPIP certified? It didn't used to be a few years ago. Anyone have an answer?
Chickentherapy1: Thank you for the big grin! Your avatar photo is so funny! The dog is in the crate but the chicken is out. It usually is the other way around. Your dog's face is priceless as the chicken strolls by. Lol!
Thanks. I'm glad you like it. We put the dog in the crate, because the dog, wouldn't leave the chicken alone, and we were trying to get a good photo of the chicken. At the time, we weren't sure if the chicken was a she or a he. It turns out it was a he, and he just started crowing the other day.
Interesting! Because when looking at the photo by the way it was walking I wondered if it was a roo. Your dog's face would be a good "write the caption" photo. Has by done this?

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