mature pekin duck suddenly cannot walk


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 23, 2013
One of our female pekins has been unable to walk for 5 days now. Her legs move but her feet are all curled up and when she tries to move her legs just go under and behind her. I can't feel an egg stuck in her so I do not think she is egg bound. I put her in the tub (the ducks have not been swimming since the weather got colder) and her feet stayed curled but she could move around using her legs. She does not seem to be in pain but I am of course concerned. I've added an electrolyte/vitamin blend to their water but haven't seen a change in her. Any advice is appreciated.
What do her feet look like? Will she let you uncurl them to take a look? Are both feet affected equally? Do you notice any other symptoms, like discharge from the eyes or nostrils?

The curled feet symptom sounds strange, like a wound, an infection or a pinched nerve.
Could it be a spinal injury? Do you have drakes?

Please take a close look. Upload photo's if you can. First we need to see the feet. Any sign of injury on her neck or lower back?
Both feet are equally curled and she let's me uncurl and inspect them, no sign of infection. No other signs of illness and no signs of pain. I'm beginning to worry the drake she is paired with may have injured her :( I will post photos tonight after work. Thanks!
If it is a drake injury, you know, then, to separate them and let her be in a safe place, comfortable, reasonably warm, fresh water and good food. I would get her on vitamins and electrolytes right away. I would put a lukewarm compress of Epsom salt and water on her back three or four times a day (about in the location the drake would be standing). Excellent nutrition and therapy may help her come back around pretty well. It's worth a try, is my feeling.

Also the hydrotherapy, letting her float in lukewarm water. No e.s. in that bathwater, though, it is a laxative.

If you have Traumeel, I would put just a little tad of that down her spine and see if that helps. It has St. John's wort in it, and that is supposed to help nerve damage (old folk medicine, don't know if you go with that).
Our duck, 'Oats', is still unable to use her feet but her legs work. I'm thinking about trying some homemade splints. I've read that they can help ducklings, does anyone have any experience with this? Oats is in remarkably good spirits and doesn't seem to be in pain, but it doesn't seem like she could survive like this long term.
I am going to guess that it is a pinched nerve or nerve injury. Depending on the severity of the injury, theree is a chance that she will recover use of her feet, but it may take a while:

Can you tell if she has any muscle control in her feet? Is there any resistance or mobility when you inspect her feet?

Does she have any sensation in her feet? Does she respond to touch or pain (like a pin prick) in her feet? If she doesn't have any sensation in her feet, then it is probably bad nerve damage of some kind.
Our duck Oats passed away today :( she seemed peaceful, tucked in her nest like she was asleep. The other ducks seem to be in fine health so at least it doesn't seem like it was anything contagious. Thanks for all the advice and take care.

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