MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

No more progress on the silkie pip so far, but this little rock is determined to blow this Popsicle stand! This is a little over an hour's work for this determined little dude!
Woo hoo! I set americauna eggs on Fri. after exchanging my rooster, and today I saw a teeny tiny heartbeat!!!!! After many, many infertiles over the last few months, I finally have some babies developing from my beautiful show ameraucanas!
That's fantastic!! It's great when a plan comes together.

It's great to hear how things are going!
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Aaaaaand, he's out!
Congrats! How cute!

That's fantastic!! It's great when a plan comes together.

It's great to hear how things are going!

Thank you so much. The breeder was really nice about exchanging the rooster. I definitely gave it a good try with that one. But, I really love this new one! He is gorgeous. Should get beautiful babies! And after trying for Ameraucana babies since the beginning of February, I am ready!
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