MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

17/18 Hatched yesterday through overnight. 17 are in the brooder and the 18th egg is pipped and we can hear the baby. We have 10 super blue egg layers, 2 olive eggers. 2 Easter eggers and 3 Ameraucanas.
And to make everything even better, the super blue egg layers are sex linked and they ALL look like girls. (Hmmmm, so does that mean that the other seven that are out are all boys?) I have noticed that although what I've hatched over the years probably totals close to 50/50, each individual hatch seems to have a preponderance of one sex or the other. I've done two all cockerel hatches. One with all girls, another with mostly girls and some with very few girls. Go figure.

#18 of 18 was just delivered by eggcerian section and is drying in the incubator until he can join his friends. Great hatch rate considering I was fighting with the humidity most of the incubation period.
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@chickendreams24 from cjwalden! I bought 4 chicks from cree57i (lisa)
Oh wow how cool send pics lots of pics lol
WARNING: Cuteness overload! Mama - White Phoenix One Two three four five six seven EIGHT! :weee Fluffy butted Cochin babies! Two eggs still under but no pips or sounds. I'll give them another 24 hours.
Do you know the colors? Are the eggs from your own flock? Are they bantams or lf? Sorry if you said I missed it. I love the little black and silver one and chick number 1. :)
Grr!! Byc is buggy. Can't get onto it on my computer, and I've checked my computer 2 times for viruses and malware. Anyone else having issues? Also can no longer upload pics from phone.

On a brighter note I came home to 4 new babies instead of just 1. here are two of them, posting link in protest to the system bugs.
Grr!! Byc is buggy. Can't get onto it on my computer, and I've checked my computer 2 times for viruses and malware. Anyone else having issues? Also can no longer upload pics from phone.

On a brighter note I came home to 4 new babies instead of just 1. here are two of them, posting link in protest to the system bugs.
yes i can only upload on my phone if i am in desktop mode! And i thought it was just me and my crappy computer skills
It's been a bit of a struggle to get humidity up, but I think we're golden now!


This was right after I pulled the turner, so excuse the low temp. It picked back up quite quickly.
Hello All! I have 36 eggs in the Bator right now. 6 Rouen duck eggs, 18 OE's, and 12 barnyard mix. My duck eggs are on day 6 and I just set my chicken eggs today. I've been running my humidity for the duck eggs at 75%+ but know from experience, my chicken eggs don't seem to hatch out as well with that high of humidity.
My last chicken hatch I stayed pretty consistent at 40% humidity until lockdown and had an 85% hatch rate.

What are your suggestions for humidity?
I just had a bit of fun. My geese are finally becoming more friendly. Just sat for 10 min just petting and loving on the geese.

Also my free eggs are on lockdown. And I just purchased a dozen barnevelder eggs, should be here mid week.just hoping no one else goes broody, I don't like worrying about wether or not she's gotten off to eat and drink during the heat, or of another hen trying to use her nest crushing the eggs...
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