MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Joining! Hi:) Sue here currently have 8 silkie eggs (shipped eggs) in lockdown.

Day 11 guinea not impressed
Tons of clears and not necessarily the ones I had to wash due to egg yolks dried all over them

This one is fertile, note that the veining on these is not near as thick or seen like other fowl, I thought at first I was loosing them, but they are pretty cool looking eggs at candle with those specks and stuff!

BASKET IS ALL CLEARS! only three of them have the W on top for being washed ughhhh
I had 13 clears of my 36 too. I hope to see pips from the first 13 soon.

Good morning all!!

Busy morning in all 3 incubators! 2 of the 4 eggs that I forgot to lock down have hatched, and 1 is pipped. The incuview (my eggs) has 5 babies with 2 zipping. The Brinsea (with Gotro17's eggs) there are 6 new chicks with 3 zipping.

Lots of pips! Should be a busy day. Today is day 21.

Welcome to all the new HAL members!
Sounds busy in a good way!

Well broody #1 (for the month) a d'Uccle game cross, has hatched. I originally set her on 7 eggs, 4 NN Blacksexlink crosses, or straight NN, and 3 EE eggs. When I candled them, 2 of the NN eggs were infertile. Both the remaining NN eggs hatched. Of the EE eggs, 2/3 hatched, and one has a naked neck! I guess some of my EE hens were visiting the NN roosters. So 4/7 hatched total.
And....I set another hen! One of my Game hens went broody and she is now sitting on 14 bantam eggs. They are d'Uccles (fathered by the roo in my avatar) EE.bantams, and Game crosses. She will be due the end of the month.
Congratulations! Good luck with the broody game hen!

Joining! Hi:) Sue here currently have 8 silkie eggs (shipped eggs) in lockdown.

Welcome! Good luck!
My bator is loaded! day 4 now! There is life in most of my chocolate Ameraucana eggs and some hint of life in the Orp and Barnie eggs, but they are darker shelled so I with hold judgment on them.


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