MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I know there are a lot of people hatching ducks (Yippie); I too have 24 more due in 3 weeks. BUT, I have a question about a 10 day duckling I was hoping someone who had ducks could help me. (I thought this might be good to try here in case anyone else has seen this; I did post in The Duck Thread too). I have an actual UGLY DUCKLING. (the one on the left) This duckling is 10 days old. She is the one that had the cord wrapped around her tightly when she hatched. Were the cord was there were no "feathers". And now, 10 days later, she REALLY has no feathers/down/fuzz/covering. She is almost bald below her neck. I am keeping her warm and she doesn't go swimming. She is a little "wet" in these photos because she is still a duck and acts like a duck; she managed to sneak past us. She is eating and drinking normal. The other duckling ars not picking on her; they are actually all very docile and bonded. Is this normal? Has anyone seen this with other ducks. The other ducks have thick fluff and are not losing it or looking this turkey like when wet.. We are going to wait and see if she eventually feathers out like normal during the next 6 weeks. I just wanted to see if there was anything special I could do for her. Any thoughts?
For some reason, I keep thinking crispy orange duck when I see the naked one. Mmmm
Hi! I have about 20+ eggs set to hatch Thursday! Cross your fingers! They are blue English Orpington over speckled Sussex mixes. And I believe some silver penciled rock over white rock mixes and maybe over Dominique I can't see in her eggs. I'm going to check everyone soon and pull out any non developers which I believe will leave me with maybe 3? Less eggs lol. I wish I could post videos on this site I have some very wiggly barnyard mix chicks in these eggs!
Hi! I have about 20+ eggs set to hatch Thursday! Cross your fingers! They are blue English Orpington over speckled Sussex mixes. And I believe some silver penciled rock over white rock mixes and maybe over Dominique I can't see in her eggs. I'm going to check everyone soon and pull out any non developers which I believe will leave me with maybe 3? Less eggs lol. I wish I could post videos on this site I have some very wiggly barnyard mix chicks in these eggs!
Welcome and Good Luck!!!

One of our serama pullets. Her name is Maria

and our serama roo Manolo. the kids named them from the movie "The Book of Life"
We ended up with 2 frizzled birds. The other frizzled is a pullet "Sunny" (DD said she looks like a sunflower) she is the one that can't walk well. She is getting better though!

I have Sunny in her own box in the brooder. I woke up last night to check on her and seen one of the Polish chicks perched on the box passed out! I had to grab my phone and snap a picture. Too cute! It's seems like it didn't want Sunny to be alone.
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One of our serama pullets. Her name is Maria

and our serama roo Manolo. the kids named them from the movie "The Book of Life"
We ended up with 2 frizzled birds. The other frizzled is a pullet "Sunny" (DD said she looks like a sunflower) she is the one that can't walk well. She is getting better though!

I have Sunny in her own box in the brooder. I woke up last night to check on her and seen one of the Polish chicks perched on the box passed out! I had to grab my phone and snap a picture. Too cute! It's seems like it didn't want Sunny to be alone.
awww! precious!
Other than the 20 perfect eggs ;) I have one with a small crack in the shell in the air cell... That might be an issue I think only in that bacteria could get in? I didn't notice early and then well now it's now and the bird seems fine and maybe it's fine. I also have one with a wonky air cell. I guess it's possible that it sat upside down for a few days before going in because my husband was Incharge of collecting at a point and has a hard time telling pointy end from well the other... So I will post a pic of that, perhaps some of you have thoughts on it?
Had to toss 5 splash silkie eggs last night as I set them..rolling air cells. I've tried before with them. They never start. So, away they went. :(
I candled eggs on Tuesday night and removed many clears and quitters. I noticed that the 10 Brown Leghorn eggs looked like they were more developed that the others. Sue took them from a broody hen, so we knew they had started to develop, but we weren't for sure how long she had been sitting & broody may have still been adding other hens eggs to her nest.
As Bill & I were tucking in chickens & chicks last night, I finally got to witness the chick crow- Bill saw & heard him do it at 3 weeks old, but I never did. That finally got our 4 mo old BCM roo going, and now he's crowing too!
So, I went to check on the bator as it was beeping due to low humidity. I lifted the lid to find 2 fluffy Brown Leghorns staring at me! Yikes! We quickly unplugged the turner as it began to tilt with one little guy's head between the rails- just in time! Candled all eggs quickly, moved CLBs, OEs and a few less developed eggs to another bator which was already going and had just enough room.
So, surprise, we have BLHs! There were 7 out this morning and the others are pipped! Pics when I get home tonight! Shortest incubation ever- thanks to the broody!

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