MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Im here again! I have turkey and chicken eggs in the bators. Im kind of nervous about the turkeys, they were shipped eggs and i candled them but I couldnt really see much..

I also realized this morning that my lovely silkie is broody.. again.. she is sitting in the nesting boxes my bucklings slept in.. so I have to find them a new bed! lol
Good luck with the turkeys.
Im here again! I have turkey and chicken eggs in the bators. Im kind of nervous about the turkeys, they were shipped eggs and i candled them but I couldnt really see much..

I also realized this morning that my lovely silkie is broody.. again.. she is sitting in the nesting boxes my bucklings slept in.. so I have to find them a new bed! lol
Good Luck!!!
Ugh! I was candling for day 7 and I dropped one and it broke open! The embryo looked cool but that egg was the smallest from my birds and that hen had been producing micros! Oh well there are more eggs...ill finish candling later
Ugh! I was candling for day 7 and I dropped one and it broke open! The embryo looked cool but that egg was the smallest from my birds and that hen had been producing micros! Oh well there are more eggs...ill finish candling later
Sorry to hear that.
Ugh! I was candling for day 7 and I dropped one and it broke open! The embryo looked cool but that egg was the smallest from my birds and that hen had been producing micros! Oh well there are more eggs...ill finish candling later
Sorry to hear that!!

Lockdown yesterday. As of then, all 14 Silkie eggs showed definite life when I did the candling and marking air cells. So happy so far -
Good Luck Blooie!!! Hopefully your granddaughter gets all the silkies she could ever need!!

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