MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Quote: X 2 !!!!
...maran eggs.

Awwwwww...the little guy! He's like a race car that's in neutral.
Thank you for the video Blooie! I've never seen or had chicks like this.
Do they eventually walk normally?
He's so sweet trying so hard.

No chicks yet for my broody....
Waiting is hard.
Waiting IS
I'm waiting for the keets under my broodies to hatch.
It seems to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

I hope it's sooner than later for you.
First one out and another one is about done zipping! Have several others that are pipped but 3 that are not. Still only day 20 but gosh I'm excited! I completely forgot that I didn't have anymore of the cabinet liners so I hurried and out a dish towel down before they started popping out so they didn't get hurt.
First one out and another one is about done zipping! Have several others that are pipped but 3 that are not. Still only day 20 but gosh I'm excited! I completely forgot that I didn't have anymore of the cabinet liners so I hurried and out a dish towel down before they started popping out so they didn't get hurt.

And as I just posted that #2 is out!
Cutie chicks! I LOVE
dark chicks!!
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X 2 !!!!
...maran eggs.
Haha! Thanks. This was my first hatch and I was worried I had bitten off more than I could chew with Marans and OE. I was really worried because the Marans were quite a bit behind in hatch times.

Carrie Here are eight of the cuties in the temp brooder I had in my classroom. @Blooie should recognize the Mama Heating Pad in the purple there. This is my fake broody's second set of chicks and they love her!

Haha! Thanks. This was my first hatch and I was worried I had bitten off more than I could chew with Marans and OE. I was really worried because the Marans were quite a bit behind in hatch times.

Carrie Here are eight of the cuties in the temp brooder I had in my classroom. @Blooie should recognize the Mama Heating Pad in the purple there. This is my fake broody's second set of chicks and they love her!

Yep, I recognize it! Cute little chickies, too! I have all 9 - yes, you heard right - 9 of my newly hatched Silkies under mine right now. I can't believe we got that many. And they took to MHP like they knew exactly why I set it up for them!

Still had 5 eggs left in the incubator that weren't doing anything at all, so I candled them and didn't see a single internal pip, nor did I see any other signs of life. But I know they can fool ya - read so many stories of people thinking their eggs were done for, starting an eggtopsy and finding a chick still alive in there that I didn't want that to happen. I know how bad they feel when they do it, and when it comes to this hatching business I'm already emotionally unstable. <sigh>

So I bought them into the kitchen and one by one did a water candle. Eggs number 7, 8, 10 and 12 just sat there. But egg number 14 started bouncing around like crazy! Woo hoo! That one went right back into the incubator. With my heart in my throat, I did an eggtopsy on each of the other 4 eggs. I just knew I was going to open one and it would peep at me! But nope, none of those chicks were still alive. So I'm hoping that number 14 was just a little behind the others and will still hatch.
My chicks are two weeks old today. I had put in what I wanted and then added extra eggs to the incubator to fill in some spaces. These I thought were marans' (to make olive eggers) and I knew some were olive eggs'. (But not sure whose.)
I was cleaning the brooder today and looked carefully at each chick's legs and feet. NO feathering. (My marans crosses all have feathered feet.) so I concluded I had put in welsummer and welsumer cross eggs.
My husband must be catching on because his comment was...Guess that means the incubator will run again.
You think???

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