MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I do mine at six or seven days and I can usually make out something, but they're harder to see in than chicken eggs so don't toss them at seven days if you don't see anything yet!
Thank you so much!! Unfortunately I am not going to be getting any keets now thanks to my guinea hens.... one decided to attack an egg breaking it open and tried eating it :( I had to take all 53 eggs away because I did not want to wake up tomorrow to smashed eggs everywhere in the coop. I am so upset
Sadly my update is not good. We had about 53 eggs on the nest. Tonight one of the guinea hens went after an egg and pecked it until she cracked it open and pierced the yoke. I thought she was going to pull the egg to her breast like she does sometimes.... I am so upset. I know how everyone here says once birds get a taste for their eggs they will break them and try to eat them all the time. Because of this I had to take all the eggs away from my guinea hens. I had eggs from May 13th through today. Never saw a guinea sit on them once. So upset. I was hoping for baby keets without having to get an incubator. Now I am going to have to scramble the old eggs and try to feed them to the guineas / my cats.
Sadly my update is not good.  We had about 53 eggs on the nest.  Tonight one of the guinea hens went after an egg and pecked it until she cracked it open and pierced the yoke.  I thought she was going to pull the egg to her breast like she does sometimes.... I am so upset.  I know how everyone here says once birds get a taste for their eggs they will break them and try to eat them all the time.  Because of this I had to take all the eggs away from my guinea hens.  I had eggs from May 13th through today.  Never saw a guinea sit on them once.  So upset.  I was hoping for baby keets without having to get an incubator.  Now I am going to have to scramble the old eggs and try to feed them to the guineas / my cats. :hit

So sorry to hear about your guinea eggs!

Does that mean you won't be able to let another try to hatch her own at all anymore?

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AH! I know what my problem is!
Lockdown fever- a rare, but deadly disease that causes extreme loonyness and random outbursts. Also common is thinking anything Baby with Featherlings is ADORABLE. Frequently happens while waiting for lockdown on eggs you really, REALLY want to hatch.

Some birds moved to the grow out pen today
How fast they grow!!

Okay, here are those guinea candling pictures I promised. Had to wait for them to be far enough along to actually see something! These are on Day 6. I also have a batch on Day 20 but the camera can't pick up the washed out veining on those.

Also, here is my special egg. We had an accident during early incubation, as you can see:

But if you look inside, you can see that all was not lost:

Awesome Thank you!! I am adding them to our candling sections in the notes!!!

Hey y'all, I began incubation on May 25th, at 9 pm to hatch out a dozen Ameracauna x CCL (blue eggs), 14 FBCM (dark chocolate eggs), and 5 EE/BLRW x white rock (mint green eggs); and am I ever excited to see what hatches out!! Woot! Woot!! I bought the blue and dark chocolate eggs, and I raised the hen/roo of the green eggs (they are a couple of mutts). This will be the second hatch I've done in my life so far, and I'm pretty certain I've got "hatch fever"... LOL!!!

I don't believe that I'll be able to candle the FBCM eggs due to the intensity of dark color (5 to 7 scale). But, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be open to hearing what they are... :) Thanks in advance.

oh no I am so sorry!!

Sadly my update is not good. We had about 53 eggs on the nest. Tonight one of the guinea hens went after an egg and pecked it until she cracked it open and pierced the yoke. I thought she was going to pull the egg to her breast like she does sometimes.... I am so upset. I know how everyone here says once birds get a taste for their eggs they will break them and try to eat them all the time. Because of this I had to take all the eggs away from my guinea hens. I had eggs from May 13th through today. Never saw a guinea sit on them once. So upset. I was hoping for baby keets without having to get an incubator. Now I am going to have to scramble the old eggs and try to feed them to the guineas / my cats.

Pip! At 7pm, lucky number 13 (Ameracauna mix), no action since. Going to bed hoping to wake up to more. Day 21 starts tomorrow at noon.
YAY 13!!!!

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