May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

My turner stopped. :he
Looks like you will be getting some eggercise! I’m always afraid mine will do that.

So one quail baby drown... it found the one place where a rock wasn’t big enough!

The other one was too numb to stay under the heat plate so when I checked it in the morning, it was super lethargic. I put it under the heat plate so it could warm up. My husband said it was good though last night and running around like crazy.

Swear these quail have less sense than chicken chicks! They are always keeping me on my toes.

The single quail chick is going into my aviary regardless of its sex. I’ve lost 3 quail I hatched last year, all while they were trying to lay eggs.
I started a dozen Salmon Faverolles x Silver Grey Dorking eggs on April 18th. Hoping for a good Mother's Day hatch. :fl Trying out a new Kebonnixs incubator and using the dry incubation method for the first time.
I'm also doing a dry hatch but add water only a little bit don't want it to dry. I keep mine about 30 Percent. I don't let it get below 20 percent humidity
Hello everyone. I am joining you. This will be my first hatch of anything. A friend gave us 30 Coturnix quail eggs last Saturday. We decided we wanted to try and hatch them. My hubby ordered an incubator and we expected it last Tuesday. It didn't arrive until today. Being noobs we didn't know until a couple of days ago we should have been storing the eggs the round end up and turning them but we have been doing that for two days. So, today at 4 pm I placed 30 eggs in the Nuture Right 360. I doubled up in some spaces and watched them turn. They were having significant trouble. The ones that were doubled were sticking and not turning at all and the ones that were in spaces alone were turning end over end. So a little research later, I used craft sticks to make the spaces narrower to prevent end-over-end turning and removed 8 eggs to prevent sticking. Now I have 22 eggs in the incubator and the temperature is holding steady at 99.5 and the humidity at 45%. I would love to know if anyone has an STL file for a 3D printer for a quail egg turner for the Nuture Right 360 so I can print a turner more suitable for the quail eggs. I am so excited and hope at least half of my eggs will be babies in May. We were also given 16 juvenile birds and have been busy building a predator-proof outdoor aviary for them. They sure are sweet. They are still in the house right now. Most are the typical Brown type but I have 4 or 5 that are different colors.
Looks like you will be getting some eggercise! I’m always afraid mine will do that.
I think it’s an angle thing. I keep trying to adjust the cloth I have underneath the one side. That has worked before. Of course, the turner wire occasionally comes loose. I definitely need to get a new incubator.
Joining this one! I have been hatching off and on for a while now, but I've been more of a lurker than a poster...soooo Hiiii!

Currently have 6 Ayam Cemani eggs (Set 4/12), 3 Narragansett Turkey eggs (Set 4/19), and 3 Chicken eggs (Sapphire Gem, Light Brahma, and Silver Laced Wyandotte...crossed with my Silver Laced Wyandotte Roo - Set 4/19).

2 of the 6 Cemani have broken/saddle air sacs, so they're in an upright incubator for now. The others are in my Nurture Right 360.

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