May 2023 Hatch-a-long

šŸ˜„ I wish I knew. I'm running into the same issue. I have never had less than an 80% hatch with my own (the lowest hatch rate included a 10-hr power outage and was just over 80%), and most of my hatches prior to this year were 100%. Even with shipped eggs I've rarely had less than an 80% hatch. Yet this year I'm struggling to get 50%. Most all of the eggs make it to lockdown, and several even make it to external pip, but then that's it. Yet those that do hatch normally are active and seem just fine. I'm beginning to wonder if it doesnā€™t have something to do with the feed.
What makes you think it could be something to do with the feed?

I'm quite interested in that because I'm starting to suspect weird issues with feed as well and have noticed lots of people mention it, not necessarily in relation to hatching but in all sorts of different threads.
I have one egg that is not as developed as the rest. I candles day 18 and they were very nicely developed. And then I candled one of them and it was still clear. The yolk area was dark like one had been forming but quit at some point. But I candled it and I swear itā€™s twitching. Just my eyes or why is it moving if itā€™s so underdeveloped on day 18
Candy Cane pipped but failed to hatch. I went to assist this morning but it was too late. Looks like the intestines didnā€™t retract all the way in. :( Iā€™m sorry.
I'm sorry! šŸ˜¢ Always so rough to lose them this way.

How are the rest doing? Is that one egg left in the incubator?

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