MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in


Yep! I'm here! 8 hatched & 5 pips. One has pipped and a little bit of zipped for almost 24 hours. I can see his little heartbeat through the membrane, so I guess there's a chance for him? I know it's not a good idea to "help"....and I will be sad if he does not make it.

We've been laughing all day at their sound sleeping and then frantic, clumsy running and flapping and chirping, then sound sleeping again. Better than TV!
im up at 1 am here waiting for the LAST three, i think! which should give us 25 of 31. 14/15 of my black javas in lockdown hatched! they are my only pure bird so was so happy to see them coming through like gangbusters.
It's 1 AM here too and day 19 and I already have two babies! Three more eggs to go! Congrats on all the hatches guys and good luck everyone.
Congratulations everybody...the pictures are great happy for all of you. You are more dedicate than I am I guess...I went to bed with one baby and several pips and woke up to 7 hatchlings and a whole bunch more pips.
Today is day 20 for this group, hope they keep popping out..
looks like possible one quitter, hoping its just lazy and I am wrong....

Hoping all goes well for the rest of everyone's hatch!!!
FINALLY!!! i have a decent hatch. i went back and re-read the instructions for dry hatching from Sav. the Favs and followed her advice and got a hygrometer and I found out the room I had them in was on the front of the house and temp. and humidity was going up each day when it got full sun and I was aslo adding water each time the well got I stopped it and I got 13 little baby D'Uccles between Wednesday and Thursday. I have 3 more trying to pip out, but I don't know about them....I think they might be too weak to come out..I left the incubator on though. should I do anything else to it???
i helped my last one out since there were no others to be concerned about...not sure it was the right thing to do. she never zipped, just chipped out a dime sized hole and then NOTHING. it was awful to see her little beak/head in there, peeping. i believe the3 air sac was somehow wrong.

this was a shipped egg and i had noted it seemed to be on the side of the egg and the end. so it was interesting that she didn't zip as expected. i left her in there from 12 am to 8 and i opened her egg a bit more this morning just to see. she came out in the steamy bathroom and is now all alone in the bator.

she seems awfully weak and i am wondering if being in that weird position for so long, with just a wing out, hurt her permanently, hard to say right now. she definitely needs time to strengthen, but she may have a curled foot too--the only one of all my 25 to have that, which i am glad of.

HATCH RECORD (my first!)

gqf hovabator (first hatch, new bator)
used egg turner
31 eggs went into lockdown
25 hatched
non-hatchers 2 shipped (AAxEE), 4 of my own eggs: 1 java (pipped then died), 1 GLW (pipped then died), 1 EE, 1 Brown leghorn (both never pipped. the blue one was iffy when i out it in for lockdown).
eggs into egg cartons with bottoms cut out for hatching.

incubation--dry (30-40%) in nw arkansas
hatch humidity--70-75%

i feel this was a real success.
I thought about helping them out, but I was afraid to. I have always been told not to. I had a duck one time and I helped it out and it's wing was always messed up, but it lived and was grown and followed me around until something caught it about 2 yrs. later.
Today is day 17, and I candled them to see if I could put them into lockdown a day early (since I won't be here this Sat). Three of my eggs look wrong. It looks like there are two air sacs, one at the big end where it should be, and one at the small end, where there shouldn't be one. I think they are dead. Worse yet, I dont know if I can or should go into lockdown early, or if going early will kill the wierd ones, if they're not dead yet.

So sad. I had so many looking good for so long.
Today is lockdown for 8 SLW and 14 Star sex-links. All were moving around last night at the final candling. It was a 90% fertility rate on shipped eggs.

Wish us luck!
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