MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

We have our first baby! Today is day 21; it pipped yesterday morning, and hatched sometime during the night.

Not sure if I'm posting the pics correctly, but here goes:


Dad is a black bantam cochin and biological mom is a golden laced cochin bantam. But Buffy (buff cochin bantam) hatched him out.
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Well. I think we're done hatching! Started with 42 eggs. 7 turned out to be infertile. 7 did not pip.
So we have 28 little fuzzy butts! 10 Mille Fleur D'uccle bantams, 5 standard cochin, 9 BLR/SL Wyandottes, 3 Buff Orps, 1 Cuckoo Maran.
I did not do well with the BCM/BSM/CM's. Only one cuckoo hatched.
Are marans harder to hatch?
All but the bantams came from the same person. All the eggs were shipped.
I think I did rather well for a first timer, and I am so happy with my babies!!

Congrats everyone who has hatched already and GO CHICKIES to the ones yet to hatch!

See you all for the next hatch!! This is addicting!

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Day 20- we're in lockdown, but no signs of life yet. Could be a late hatch, maybe tonight.......

I'm nervous and can't keep my nose off the bator window looking for a pip, or for an egg to move.

Come on chickies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eggs went into lockdown this morning. Boy am I nervous. I am probably the only person in the world who has not candled my eggs. . . but they are dark brown Barnevelder's and since you are not supposed to handle the eggs too often, I was too scared I would either drop it or infect in with something. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone else going into lockdown. See you all on the other side. . .

Still nothing!

I was so excited, especially over the polish eggs.

Don't understand why I have nothing.

How did they lock when you put them in lock down? Maybe they'll start pipping tonight I'm hoping for you and sending good hatching vibes. By the way I grew up in Empire many years ago....Went to Downey and Modesto JC......
Still nothing!

I was so excited, especially over the polish eggs.

Don't understand why I have nothing.

How did they lock when you put them in lock down? Maybe they'll start pipping tonight I'm hoping for you and sending good hatching vibes. By the way I grew up in Empire many years ago....Went to Downey and Modesto JC......

So sorry to hear this. Kinda disturbing.
If there was movement on Day 18 with candling, things should've done well... unless the air cell was mutated or damaged, unless the humidity was off, unless the temperature had a drastic change, unless there were fumes in the bator from cleaning solvents, unless there was no fresh air in the bator.... Gads, the list of variables is immense. But a whole boxful of eggs? Start with the candling and then work via process of elimination....a little forensics may save a future disaster. And remember that every hatch (except for those out-of-the-norm 100% ones) has drama....
Only been in Modesto just over a year. I grew up in the Bay Area. Oakland and then Union City for a couple of decades. I get lost here just going shopping. LOL

I've babied these eggs from day one. Everything seemed fine. Had a big temp spike a few days ago but still saw movement. Some of the eggs were iffy, but I've had iffys hatch on me before, so they're all in there.

My hatcher is fluctating between 97 and 100. Not a huge drop. Humidity got down to 50 this morning, but I added warm water right away.

I have another thread on here looking for some help with some thermostats that I want to use for additional hatchers. I wish I could get these right and then try another one to see if that helps, but this one is actually working, so don't know what is happening.

My April hatch is almost 4 weeks old and I'm having new chick withdrawls. I'm about ready to cry. I've been stairing into this hatcher for the past 2 days and chirping like a nut. Hubby thinks I'm really wacked now.

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