MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Thanks everyone for the great hatch reports & adorable pics; good to see what comes out of your efforts. It keeps the rest of us inspired while we wait for ours to hatch too. Happy for you all!
Beautiful babies everyone
At 7:00 I thought I heard a faint occasional scratch and then at 9:00 a faint whistle-y whisper cheep.... And now at 10:30 I popped my head back in from a NetFlix intermission and
:weee first pip!

It's one of the SLW eggs. I hope I have a nice surprise in the morning....
I just noticed that my hen that has been setting for 20 days was off the nest, so I went and checked--one of the eggs is pipped, and I heard a little peeping! I'm so excited!
woke up this morning to check on the one pip and it was exactly the same as last night.... but what a chatty egg! So I decided to peep back and -- KERBOOM -- I have never seen such an explosive zipping.... 15 minutes with bits of shell flying all over the place and a righteous 3/4 of the job done. Cool! The little guy is really banging it out. Guess everyone knows where I'll be the next bit or so....

(6:44) That was the most entertaining 20 minutes I've had in a long time! Chickie popped out and is now crashing about the bator.


Whoever suggested peeping at the chicks was right.... It really seemed to provide incentive for him/her to get cracking. Now, if only the rest of these lazy eggs were so inspired...... Guess I can stop fretting about humidity and such now.... I totally get where the expression "Mother Hen" comes from.
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Think my hatching is more pips since early yesterday!! Total count: 23 fluffy butts, 1 that didn't make it out after zipping
But the rest are doing really good. 23 out of 31 eggs....I'm gonna call this really good for me!! Could not have had this success without all the help from all of you from so many wonderful posts to look thru and learn!!

Congratulations to everybody still hatching! Go Chickies Go!!!!!!

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