MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Candled tonight and saw movement in 11 of 12 eggs!!! I am thinking we are nearing the end of this stage, ready to move on to welcoming those little chicks into the world. My broody has been working on kicking out the ones that are no longer any good, and the little growing ones are, well, growing. I am incredibly excited. This is our first experience with a broody hen, and so we are really looking forward to seeing what our own roos/hens have produced. One is out of a green egg, so will be an EE x SS cross. The others are probably BO x SS. If any have feathered feet, we will know that the d'Uccle got in there while the SS had his back turned. LOL. In any case, I will be sure to post pictures as soon as we have any to take.
Guesstimating that they ought to be hatching within the next week. Which is so awesome, 'cause I have the entire week off to keep an eye on the nest... that is, if mama hen will let me!!! Ha ha ha.
I would like to introduce the new members of the family. From what I can tell 2 RIR, 3 Plymouth Rocks, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. I'll candle the final 4 eggs tonight to see what is going on but I think we are done.

Well I went on lock down about 30 min ago
BUT when i got home today and settle in some new chicks we got I checked the temp and such and it was 106
I got the temo stable and took out the turner and made sure there was plenty of water and added a wet sponge and go back and there is condisation (sp?) I have read you dont want that in there. Please can anyone help me I feel like none of my babies want make it with the temp and such
Wednesday will be lockdown for me on my 2 remaining duck eggs. These will be my first ducks and i candled them tonight..... i almost dropped one when it started moving in the egg,lol i'm grinning like the Cheshire cat right now and Friday seems a very long time away right now lol.
Today one of my eggs that I candled moved just slightly when I first set it down. Was it just a coincidence? Maybe. But I would like to think it is because the little ones are getting ready to come out into the chilly 'real' world. My husband wondered out loud what it will be like to see the baby chicks with their mama for the first time. Hmmm... precious and exciting I am thinking. Better have the camera ready I guess. Today we got the chick pen ready for mama and chicks to move into next week. We are all so excited(and my husband LOVES that we can have baby chicks without having to have them in the house).
Well what I thought I saw in my BCMs was wishful thinking. No development in 6 and an early quiter in 1. One of 2 EEs pipped, but took forever to try and zip. Had to go in and get him. So grand total for this hatch is 1 out of

I have polish due again on the 29th. Just candled and out of 12 I have 2 blood rings, 8 clear and 2 developing.

Think it's time to talk to the Post Master. This has gotten expensive.

On a good note, I have all of the EExBR eggs from my flock developing.

Might keep a couple if that hatch goes good.

Good to see all the babies that the rest of you got. Only problem is there aren't enough pics of all of them.

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