MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Don't give up yet!

My hatch was due the 15th and last night I got a chick.

This morning another, but all was quiet. Just a few minutes ago they got real loud. Three lttle EEs and another pipped! I'm so excited! I was going to toss them last night, but one hatched!

Now if my Polish would hhatch I'd be soooooooooooooo happy!

This is day 25 and they all look great so far:thumbsup

Oh please let my polish hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I have half of your half???????????


OK!!! You win for the most eggs set by a poster in a month on the monthly hatch-a-longs.

I forgot to mention I have 9 more in lockdown. 7BCM and 2 Olive Eggers

Due the 21st, so I guess I should have another hatch by the 26th! hehe

Last hatch of the month with be the 28th. Busy month.
I have a turkey
soon to have more. I think they like to torture me the first one pipped 23 hrs ago and around 7:30 I had 4 or 5 like that just pipped then this one decided to zip and it sure did in about hour out it pops I think it's going to be like popcorn because now 3 of them are zipping and tomorrow is when they are supposed to hatch I hope the chicks catch up....I don't see any pips with them yet.
We are hatching!!
First to pip was the Speckled Sussex
First out was a Blue Americauna
an EE/Americauna mix has piped

I am calling my IP today to fix my IP to public so I can put up my web cam, I hope to have it fixed in a few hours.
Hi, Bit late here, but I have been away. I have 24 Barnevelder eggs due to hatch on Sunday + 1 Belgain d'uccle that I threw in for fun! Hopefully she will have lots of big brothers and sisters! Went into lockdown today, and as I am in Australia this is now winter, so hubby has made the most fabulous quarters for the hatchlings, with 2 lights, in case one blows, and areas where they can get away from the heat. This is my first big hatch and I am sure from Sunday I will be hanging off the incubator!
( This little smilie is not me at the computer but me at the incubator! )
One little question - what does everybody put on the base of the incubator for the chicks? I have seen many with deformed toes from the wire floors in incubators, and don't want that to happen to my little ones.

Wish you all luck!
I got 4 beautiful faverolles chicks!
Out of 11 eggs, the other seven eggs show no sign of acitivity. I will keep them in the incubator for another day, candle then to see if there is any sign of live.

Anyway I am very happy and so are my kids!
I dunno if this really counts or not.... but look at what I got today! 15 Eastern Wild Turkey Poults, ordered from Welp Hatchery They were hatched 5-18 So they were may babies... just not my hatch






All 15 arrived happy and peeping. They are all walking around drinking and peeping. So cute!
We use rubbermaid shelf liner it is rubbery mesh weave stuff that you can run through the washing machine when your done and reuse. If you don't have something like that you could use cheesecloth it makes cleaning up a breeze.

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