May Hatch-a-Long!

Congrats on all the great hatches everyone! I'm getting ready for my June hatch. Who's with me?
No she was a surprise hatch she wasn't due till June 2 . I candled them last night before bed . Everything looked normal. I was going to lock down this morning and when I went to check I had a chick running around

Wow. My broody would not let me near the babies until well after they were dry
ok, so it is a chick that was incubated. I got confused somewhere in there. Yeah it's either membrane or a little yolk still not absorbed. Just leave it and it will fall off, or be absorbed. Depending on which it is.
I want some of those bad, but I'm I would like to find someone locally to me selling hatching eggs... I'm too broke to pay for eggs to be shipped. The risk is too great, pay the money end up with nothing. Then again I guess that's possible anytime you hatch eggs, but eggs I bring home in the car are a better bet than ones sitting in the usps truck.
Day 21 here... getting nervous and trying not to check the incubator so often, ARGH!! :he

finally, a pip! one of the BCM eggs has an external pip!!! :clap hopefully not long now! it's just 6 eggs, 3 BLRW and 3 BCMxWY

Ooo! The BCM WY crosses sound neat! Is the WY Wyandotte?
Cream Legbar, I think :)

Yup! It has been a popular breed this spring.

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